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The academic ambitions of about 500 students of the Ideas University College in Sunyani have been left hanging after the National Accreditation Board (NAB) revoked the school’s accreditation in 2011. The affected students are at different stages of the academic ladder.
The school was closed down following a tussle over ownership of the school, leaving the future of the poor students in a balance.
Eight of the students, who could not take their final year exams for various courses of study at the university due to the action of the Accreditation Board, are suing the Board for contempt after a High Court ruling ordered the recertification of the school.
Mr Henry Asare, Administrator of Ideas University College, told Weekend Finder that the Accreditation Board on December 5, 2011 annulled the school’s accreditation due to a misunderstanding that ensued between two of the school’s directors.
He said one of the directors at the time was in court to claim sole ownership of the school, which led to some managerial issues, adding that the situation had nothing to do with standards in the school.
“Due to this, more than 500 students, some of whom were about to take their final exams, have been left stranded. We could not allow them to take their final exam because even if we allowed them, we won’t be able to give them certificates.”
First year students and others at different levels all had to leave. “Since the issue occurred, we have had no student on campus and haven’t admitted new ones too. This, I must say, has affected both the school and the students tremendously.”
Even though some students want to come back, he said, they were unwilling to do so until NAB reinstates the school’s accreditation.
According to a director at the school, Mr Rex Mensah, the situation has left the students in limbo, with most of them currently at home and hoping that the issue would be resolved.
First suit and the court’s judgement
In 2013, the eight students sued the National Accreditation Board for capriciously revoking the accreditation of the school. The students, in the action brought before the High Court in Sunyani, also prayed the court to compel the Accreditation Board to reinstate the Certificate of Accreditation to the university.
On January 30, 2013, the court ordered the board to reinstate the accreditation to the university.
“For the avoidance of doubt, I order the National Accreditation Board (NAB) to reinstate the Certificate of Accreditation to the Ideas University College, Fiapre, forthwith.
“This is a clear case of misuse of power, and their action is grossly inappropriate, and as such their decision shall not enjoy judicial immunity… Since the National Accreditation Board failed to act within the four corners of their jurisdiction, this court in my opinion, should interfere and intervene accordingly I so do,” the court stated in its judgment.
“The respondent did not only wilfully disobey the orders of the court, but also acted in a manner to undermine the authority of the court by causing numerous notices in the print media,” the suit stated.
Two years after the judgement, NAB has still not complied with the court's order to reinstate the university’s accreditation, leading to a contempt suit that has been filed against members of the National Accreditation Board by the eight students.
New members of NAB
In 2014, five members of NAB were changed, which warranted a re-service of the court’s judgement and orders on the new board in order to serve a fresh notice of the state of affairs in respect to the case.
The court’s orders were served on the new board on February 5 and 6, 2015 through its General Secretary, Mr Kwame Dattey, as well as its new Board Chairman, Professor Joseph Ghartey Ampiah. The judgement was further served on nine other members of the board.
Contempt suit
On August 24 this yea, the student, through their lawyer, Francis Xavier Sosu, filed a contempt suit against members of the National Accreditation Board for refusing to reinstate the accreditation of the school.
“Having had proper notice of the pending orders from this Honourable Court, the said new board acted in like-manner as its predecessor board and has up to date either deliberately neglected, or refused, or failed to abide by the order of the court,” the suit stated.
According to the suit, the board’s conduct was geared at spiting and undermining the administration of justice and putting the dignity of the court to public ridicule, contempt and disrepute.
They are, therefore, evoking the powers of the court to cite all members of the board for contempt.