
52 Years In Class 5

Fri, 28 Oct 2011 Source: Daily Democrat

...Wants to become a prison officer

A 52-year old class five pupil of Weweso M/A Primary school in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Madam Paulina Anning, has advised parents and school dropouts that getting better education is the only means of building a better future.

According to the 52-year old mother of four, education of children should be the first priority of all parents.

Madam Paulina Anning averred that she did not get the opportunity to be educated as a child because her parents did not see its importance.

She argued that she is, however, determined to educate herself even in old age and hope her decision will motivate others to take up the challenge of going to school.

She emphasized that the country can only develop when the citizenry are well educated.

According to her, age, marital status and number of children should not be a barrier to being educated and noted that with hard-work, sacrifice, dedication, self determination and commitment to God, basic education is still possible for people more advanced in years.

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Democrat at Weweso M/A primary school, Madam Paulina Anning said she is not discouraged by her age or ashamed to wear the school uniform because she is determined to accomplish her objective. She advised people in similar situations to emulate her and also take up the challenge.

People, she said, see her as an old woman but noted that she considers herself as someone who is serious in life and with an objective to accomplish.

“It has not been easy taking the decision to start school at this age because of the stigma attached to it,” she stated and revealed that some people even ridiculed her.

She, however, noted that education is the pillar of life and she would not sacrifice the opportunity to be educated for anything.

“I am not attending school for fun,” she stressed.

When asked how she survives with her four children while schooling, she said she engages in petty trading and also receives support from good Samaritans who are encouraged by her decision.

According to her, she said wants to become a prison officer to share her experience in life with young prisoners, some of whom might have resorted to crime after dropping out of school.

Madam Paulina Anning hinted that it is not easy to become a prominent personality without higher education, and stressed that is what she has started and believes her dream will eventually materialize.

The 52-year old class 5 pupil appealed to government, stakeholders in the education sector, NGOs, philanthropists and other development partners to assist her accomplish her heartfelt desire of getting education.

According to the Headmistress of the school, Mrs Magaret Bertha Mmieh, Paulina Anning continues to improve upon her performance since she was admitted as a pupil at Weweso M/A school.

Source: Daily Democrat