
80% of DKM customers paid - Ken Ofori Atta

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Fri, 16 Nov 2018 Source:

Government says it has cleared the payment of 80% of customers of Ponzi microfinance scheme DKM and is in the process of clearing the last hurdle.

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta in his 2019 budget reading in parliament stated that out of 99,858 claims, 79,708 representing 80% have been paid out of the validated claims of GH¢502 million.

According to him, there is an extra amount to be disbursed said that can only happen if customers of the company are able to show proof of deposit.

“In addition to all these clean-ups, Government has also taken steps to settle almost all claims of DKM customers. Mr. Speaker, you would recall that DKM Diamond Microfinance Limited had its license revoked in February 2016 with considerable suffering imposed on depositors, without any meaningful response from the previous government.

That has significantly changed. The official liquidator received 99,858 claims and the validated claims amounted to GH¢502 million. I would like to inform the country that out of the 99,858 claims, 79,708 (80 percent) have been settled and depositors have been paid.

The Government has set aside funds at the Bank of Ghana to pay the remaining 20 percent of depositors upon validation. An additional 12,612 claims have been fully provided for, but the customers have not as yet been able to show proof of deposit.

This means that 92 percent of DKM claims from depositors have been paid or provided for. Depositors for the remaining 7,568 claims of above GH¢10,000 are yet to reach agreement with the liquidators” he revealed.

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