
A Position On Recent Occurrences In The PNC

Tue, 18 Jan 2011 Source: --


January 17, 2011

A Position On Recent Occurrences In The People’s National Convention (PNC)

The Political Action Group (PAG), a political think tank of the People’s National Convention Party (PNC), observes with great concern the recent occurrences in the party. As an independent group having analysed the current impasse between the two factions, we affirm that the current executive of the Party constitute the legitimate leadership to conduct the affairs of the PNC until congress has been convened.

The facts as we know are that the current executives were duly elected at congress in November 2007 to serve a period of four years, which expires in October/November 2011. The elections were duly supervised and endorsed by the Electoral Commission.

Against this background, we take great exception to the recent disturbances against the leader, the party chairman and general secretary by certain members of the party. Any action such as breaking into and changing the locks to offices of the party in an attempt to prevent party executives from performing their functions before their term of office ends is subversive and should be condemned. Much as we agree that every political organisation must have space for its members to voice out dissenting views about the running of affairs, and we do recognise that this exists in the PNC, anything that smacks of illegality should be frowned upon.

We believe that the various communication mechanisms available in the PNC are open and transparent. We therefore recommend to the particular group involved in the recent disturbances to kindly channel their grievances through these communication mechanisms for redress. Even though we consider the action of the group as illegal and wrong, we may concede that there are underlying issues which the party may be interested in investigating.

As a concerned group within the party, we are ready and willing to assist in the amicable and speedy resolution of the impasse. We are also available to support any moves that aim to improve the political fortunes of the PNC.

We take the opportunity to acknowledge the leader of the party, Dr. Edward Mahama for his outstanding contribution to raising the image and profile of PNC. We also acknowledge the other executive members of party who continue to make sacrifices to keep the party alive throughout the years.

We call on the rank and file of the party to support the current leadership to execute their mandate. Long live Ghana, Long live the PNC.

Emmanuel Adabayeri

Secretary, PAG

Tel: 0248506495


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