
A trip to the Aburi Botanical Garden

Aburi Gardens5

Tue, 14 Oct 2014 Source: Ralph Wreck It

It does not come as a surprise; you plan a relaxing and entertaining trip to one of the most known and beautiful places in Ghana and you end up having this bad likewise digestive trouble feeling.
The Aburi Botanical Gardens where nature did 95% of the job of a beautiful surrounding and man, with a simple 5% contribution, managed to ruin the whole of it.
I can go over and over in writing about what I saw and the disappointment, but sometimes images speak louder than a million words.
What you will not see, perhaps, are the people at the entrance collecting money for tickets, whose behaviour is not too different from the photos below.
This is not one of the articles looking for responsibility, but a call to responsibility from the staff in charge, to the politician in charge of such a treasure.
We hope this will spark some debate and determine some improvement of the infrastructure; maybe some financial contribution both from public and private businesses.
Let us all fight to preserve what we were given for our children to also enjoy and pass it on to their children.
Here are pictures of the current state of the Historical

It does not come as a surprise; you plan a relaxing and entertaining trip to one of the most known and beautiful places in Ghana and you end up having this bad likewise digestive trouble feeling.
The Aburi Botanical Gardens where nature did 95% of the job of a beautiful surrounding and man, with a simple 5% contribution, managed to ruin the whole of it.
I can go over and over in writing about what I saw and the disappointment, but sometimes images speak louder than a million words.
What you will not see, perhaps, are the people at the entrance collecting money for tickets, whose behaviour is not too different from the photos below.
This is not one of the articles looking for responsibility, but a call to responsibility from the staff in charge, to the politician in charge of such a treasure.
We hope this will spark some debate and determine some improvement of the infrastructure; maybe some financial contribution both from public and private businesses.
Let us all fight to preserve what we were given for our children to also enjoy and pass it on to their children.
Here are pictures of the current state of the Historical

Source: Ralph Wreck It