
AGPI delegation attends kick-off meeting in Valencia, Spain

Tue, 8 Mar 2011 Source: AGPI Secretariat

A delegation of the Association of Ghanaian Professionals in Ireland (AGPI) has ended a two day working visit to Valencia, Spain. The delegation which comprised the Programme Director, Mrs Belinda Agyapong and the Project Facilitator, Mrs Delvine Akpaloo were in Spain at the invitation of the Regional Vice-Minister for the Ministry of Immigration and Citizenship of Valencia. The purpose of the visit was to meet with other partner organisations from across Europe who are working on the project ‘Where the rivers meet’ a programme being co-funded by the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union. The other partner organisations are based in Austria, Romania, and Italy. Whilst in Valencia, the delegation used the opportunity to witness the Fallas time, a national celebration of the Valencian Community. They also witnessed the Mascletá from the balcony of the city hall. The Mascletá consists of a creation of gun powder sound effects in the city hall square at a large protected space in front of the city hall. There was a large gathering of people and festive atmosphere.

A follow up meeting involving representatives of all partner organisations would take place in Dublin on the 16th and 17th of July 2011. AGPI would host this meeting which would end with a conference involving all relevant stake holders including Irish policy makers who have interest in the integration of migrant women in Ireland.

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Source: AGPI Secretariat