
AMA Postpones removal of street hawkers

Tue, 1 Feb 2005 Source: GNA

Accra, Feb.1, GNA - The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) has given a grace period of one week to street hawkers to relocate into various markets following representation made to it by the hawkers.

A statement from the Public Relations Department of AMA on Tuesday said; "the exercise of decongesting the city will not be overlooked and the extra one week being granted will afford the entire citizenry the opportunity to come to terms with the requirement of AMA".

The AMA had served notice that it was going to remove street hawkers, beggars and lunatics from certain designated roads on Tuesday February 1 2004 under its "AMA's Year of Action - 2005" programme. The exercise would now be carried out on Tuesday February 8, the statement said.

Source: GNA