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About 1,166 youth recruited under NYEP in Yendi

Tue, 10 Apr 2007 Source: GNA

Yendi, April 10, GNA - About 1,166 youths in the Yendi District of the Northern Region have been recruited for training under the National Youth and Employment Programme (NYEP).

Seven hundred and fifty had been engaged for the Youth in Agriculture programme, Youth in Teaching Assistant, 212, Youth in Nursing Assistants 148, Youth in Sanitation and Environment 46. Alhaji Mohammed Habib Tijani, Yendi District Chief Executive, announced this in Yendi on Monday during the opening ceremony of a six-month training course for 148 of them who were recruited to become nursing assistant under the NYEP.

He said the District might require about 1,000 nursing assistants to help augment the health needs of the people, adding that the acute shortage of nursing professionals to adequately provide medical staff for the six health centres in the District accounted for the demand for the increasing intake.

Alhaji Tijani advised the youth to shun pride and respect the facilitators of the programme during their six-month training. Mr George Abraham, Yendi District Director of Ghana Health Services, said the successful trainees would be placed at various health centres in the area at the completion of the course.

He said examinations would be conducted to ensure the good ones capable of handling human lives are selected and employed for the NYEP. Mr Sampson Anin Abankwah, District's Medical Superintendent of the Government Hospital said the trainees would be taken through 16 topics some of which were; organizational structure of the health sector, current issues in health, ethics, patients rights and understanding the human body. 10 April 07

Source: GNA