
Accra "Mayor" invited to terrorism summit in New York

Fri, 5 Apr 2002 Source: gna

A four-day international summit for mayors is scheduled to beheld in New York and Washington DC between April 16 and 19 to share information on safety and security in the face of terrorism in cities.

Mr Solomon Ofei Darko, Chief Executive of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), has been invited to the meeting, which would also discuss strategies for revitalisation of the travel and tourism industries and furthermore establish a more permanent alliance among mayors of the world.

The letter of invitation said the sessions of the summit would welcome mayors' insights, ideas and best practices in meeting the challenges of terrorism. The letter said the summit would conclude in New York City where the mayors would visit the site of the World Trade Centre and meet with top city officials, including those in emergency planning and preparedness.

Source: gna