
Action Aid training 60 street children

Thu, 11 Dec 2003 Source: --

Action Aid Street Children Project in collaboration with the Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP) is training 60 street children in batik, tie and dye making, carpentry and sewing.

Mrs Phyllis Eduful, Programmes Officer of the project, who announced this, urged street children to acquire skills to make them self-dependent.

She was addressing more than 100 street children after they embarking on a three-hour march through the principal streets in Kumasi on Wednesday to draw the attention of the public to the need to stop violence against children.

They carried placards some of which read: "Children have rights", "Help fight against child labour", and "We are too young to feed ourselves".

Mrs Eduful appealed to children to take advantage of programmes being implemented by the government and non-governmental organisations to equip themselves with employable skills instead of migrating to the cities for non-existing jobs.

She asked parents to practice family planning to enable them have the number of children they could care for.

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