
Adam named Eve; stop power struggling with men – Counsellor advises women

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Thu, 24 Oct 2019 Source:

Outspoken and controversial counsellor, Dr. Charlotte Oduro, has rebuked women who seek to carve their own niche by rubbing shoulders with men on the corporate ladder.

According to Madam Oduro who doubles as a preacher, women who challenge men have missed the mark and will only elicit misunderstanding in their homes.

Citing the sequence of the creation story in the Bible she explained that women ought to know their place and ‘massage’ the egos of men since that was the sure bet to ordering their steps.

“…every man is born to rule. Before Eve came, God gave Adam the right to name all the creations; He gave that power to Adam…and when you came, Adam said this is a woman… “she quoted scriptures.

“…leave all the stats the way they are. It will take the woman to help the man to bring his ego down. You can’t order him around. No woman should order the man around. Talk with him with respect and he will listen to you.”

“…you can’t go against God. Respect, men need it. Honour him, and he will give you a place as a queen. You can’t treat as a king; you can’t be a queen" she added.

She was giving a brief on some of the reasons there is a high incidence of divorce cases in the country. She argued that women possessed the sole quality and ‘secret weapon’ to salvaging marriages and keeping the home intact.
