
Address GNPC crisis – Energy Forum to Akufo-Addo

Dr KK Sarpong Olls Dr. KK Sarpong, CEO of GNPC

Sat, 9 Feb 2019 Source:

The Strategic Energy Forum is calling on president Akufo-Addo to step in immediately to address various petitions against the CEO of Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) Dr. KK Sarpong.

The Forum in a media statement also appealed to officials at the Energy Ministry and civil society organisations to look into issues, especially agitations against the CEO to ensure good corporate governance.

Below is the full statement:



Following the failure of the Minister of Energy, Hon. John Peter Amewu to meticulously address pertinent issues with the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), we wish to draw the attention of general public on the following issues;

1. Dr. Kofi Kodua Sarpong has employed a gentleman with the staff description as Driver/ Security unilaterally without going through due process with a basic salary of GH 8,800.00 whiles the chief driver at the corporation with 23years experience is paid 4,000.00.

2. With the Economic and Organised Crimes Office inviting directors of the defunct banks it is with much worry why Dr. Sarpong is still at post. Dr. Sarpong is a director and shareholder of the defunct Royal Bank where he was part of transactions that led to its collapse. It is on record how Dr. Sarpong transferred 7.2 million USD to royal bank in order to make their books look good under the disguise of a property purchase from Global Haulage, which in itself is a matter of conflict of intrest which the special prosecutor must take serious.

3. It must also be stated that the GNPC foundation building in Takoradi was rented for 1.2 million USD per year from Royal Bank. In the period under review where Dr. Sarpong has been CEO, 46 workers have been employed directly into GNPC with Dr. Kwame Baah Nuako as the most senior.

4. It is known to the forum that Dr. Sarpong, through his company Fuel trade Company Ltd. own 2% of Ghana’s oil block operated by Aker energy and is ready to secure the extra 10% owned by Exploco illegally.

5. The low moralle and agitation is one that is likely to cause underproductivity among staff . It is worrying that the Sector minister has turned a blind eye to all petitions and complains that have come before him.

The forum would like to call on H.E the President, the Deputy Minister incharge of Petroleum as well as the Civil society platform on oil and gas to help resolve the agitations.

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