
Adequate Measures Taken To Ensure Food Security - Minister

Fri, 10 Oct 1997 Source: --

Accra, (Greater Accra) 9 Oct.,

Dr Kwabena Adjei, Minister of Food and Agriculture, said today government has taken measures to ensure increased food production. These include the ''Public Servant Scheme'' for those nearing their retiring age to cultivate tree crops, such as mango, coffee and cashew. Other measures include ''The youth in Agriculture'' policy earmarked for the age group of 15-34 years. Such persons are to promote crops of short term gestation. Small scale, medium and large-scale farmers will be assisted to acquire expertise in mechanized farming. Dr Adjei was speaking at a press conference in Accra to launch the World Food Day celebrations which fall on Thursday, October 16 on the theme "Investing in food Security''. The Minister said food security will largely depend on the seriousness Ghanaians attach to it. This calls for commitment by all to increased food production and working towards the removal of bottlenecks impeding output. Dr Adjei said these include post harvest losses, pests against unharvested produce, credit facilities, over-dependence on rain-fed agriculture, inadequate irrigation facilities and non-repayment of credit facilities. Besides, the time has come for all to consider agriculture as a business and not just for subsistence. He explained that government's financial support to farmers had not been as expected largely because of the apathy of many Ghanaians towards payment of tax.

Dr Adjei commended the FAO Telefood programme aimed at creating awareness in food production and getting financial support from individuals and organizations towards investment in agriculture. He said a Telefood Committee has been set up to plan programmes to suit the Ghanaian situation. The media, NGOs, farmers, and politicians will be involved in the planning. Mr Bamidele F. Dada, FAO Africa Regional Representative, said for many, food is a necessity that is taken for granted without much thought being given to it.

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