
‘Adonko Bitters’ flow at Aboakyer Festival despite FDA ban

Adonkoh Bitters1 producers of

Mon, 8 May 2017 Source:

Angel group of companies, producers of ‘Adonko Bitters’ appear to have defied the directives of the Food and Drugs Authority(FDA) which last month placed a ban on sale of ‘Adonko Bitters’ and withdrew same pending investigations by the regulator

Despite the ban placed on the sale of the aphrodisiac product (Adonko Bitters) by the Food and Drugs Authority, the product still sell at drinking bars across Ghana, and was openly sold in several quantities at this year’s edition of Aboakyer festival can report.

Vehicles loaded with the product were spotted at vantage points either making new deliveries or setting up to solicit clients at Winneba in the Central Region of Ghana where Aboakyer is celebrated

Brewers of the product were directed by the FDA to recall it from retailers but it has been observed that the product is still being sold in various bars in some parts of the country with no signal of when it would be recalled as directed..

According to FDA, Angel Group of Companies sold their alcoholic beverage to juveniles during an event dubbed “Adonko Aseda Bash” flouting the caution of drinking responsibly of FDA.

The statement said the action by the company (Angel Group of Companies) was contrary to Section 3.2.19 of the FDA Guidelines for the Advertisement of food products which states that No alcoholic beverage shall be advertised in relation to a public function where persons under the legal drinking age are likely to attend.

FDA further accused Angel Group of Companies for breaching Section 3.2.12 of the FDA Guidelines for the Advertisement of Food products which prohibits the use of well-known personalities in the marketing of alcoholic beverages by engaging Shatta Wale and Bisa Kdei in the promotion of the programme.

But can report authoritatively that even in Accra where the FDA is headquartered, the trade of Adonko Bitters still booms.

Our reporters across the country who moved around observed that sale of Adonko products still exist in the country contrary to the ban by FDA. They report that rather than treating ‘Adonko Bitters’ as contraband product after the ban by a state mandated institution, vendors sell it without fear of consequences.

Although, Lawyer for the company has petitioned the FDA on the sanctions, some Ghanaians have applauded the FDA for the ban, saying it will go a long way to make the company responsible.

“It is a welcome development because if the Angel Group Companies is allowed to sell concoction that are dangerous to our youths, then other beverage producers will be left with no option than to also find ways of contaminating their products to make unreasonable sales they told

A private legal practitioner on her part said some Ghanaian businesses are so used to doing things the wrong way and therefore called on FDA to ensure that the company is severely dealt with to serve as scapegoat to others for refusing to recall the product as directed.

Vehicles loaded with the product that was spotted
