The back page story of the African Sports asks "Ike Quartey finally Quits Boxing? The story says no African boxer can win a title in Las Vegas, because that city harbours some of the grandest conmen on the planet. The only way an African boxer can win a title there, is to knock his oponent. According to the story Ike did all he could to win but lost massively on the cards of two conmen of judges called Mc Connel and Morita who scored the fight 116-113, 116-112 respectively. The paper added that the fight was more tactical and masterly than exciting until the 12 round when Dela Hoya decided to open five to tilt the scales. The paeper concluded that it is not totally clear whether Ike Quartey would stick to his earlier threat to quit boxing after the rates outrageous verdict in Vegas. GRi
The back page story of the African Sports asks "Ike Quartey finally Quits Boxing? The story says no African boxer can win a title in Las Vegas, because that city harbours some of the grandest conmen on the planet. The only way an African boxer can win a title there, is to knock his oponent. According to the story Ike did all he could to win but lost massively on the cards of two conmen of judges called Mc Connel and Morita who scored the fight 116-113, 116-112 respectively. The paper added that the fight was more tactical and masterly than exciting until the 12 round when Dela Hoya decided to open five to tilt the scales. The paeper concluded that it is not totally clear whether Ike Quartey would stick to his earlier threat to quit boxing after the rates outrageous verdict in Vegas. GRi