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African Governments urged to reduce reliance on developed countries

Tue, 22 Mar 2011 Source: GNA

Kumasi, March 22, GNA - The General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, the Reverend Dr Paul Yaw Frimpong Manso, has urged African Governments to adopt sound economic policies and programmes that would enable them to reduce their dependence on developed nations. He said God has endowed the continent of Africa with huge natural resources and therefore with a little push coupled with a strong united front 93we could develop to become self-reliant instead of continued reliance of foreign support".

Rev Dr Frimpong-Manso was speaking to newsmen in Kumasi during a day's pastoral and familiarization tour to the Ashanti Region on Sunday. He said, 93If we bury our political differences and work hard in unison as one people with a common destiny, we will succeed as a nation. "Seeking external assistance has its negative tendencies and it will not lead us anywhere, let us rely on God for our needs", the General Superintendent added. Earlier in a sermon at the Lighthouse (Central) Assemblies of God Temple at Akwatialine, Rev Dr Frimpong-Manso admonished the congregation, who welcomed him amidst songs of praises, to avoid double standards Christians.

He advised people to be self-contented in all life situations because God was always ready to turn adverse situations around. He urged them to lead lives worthy of emulation and to support Church programmes and community development projects. 22 March 11

Source: GNA