
Agogo College students convert classrooms to dormitories

Agogo Classroom Dormitory One of the makeshift dormitories

Tue, 1 Nov 2016 Source:

Students of the Agogo Presbyterian College of Education have had to contend with sleeping in classrooms for want of space in the existing halls of residence.

They have been bundled in the classrooms, in a makeshift arrangement, by the authorities of the college, after having paid about GH¢2,900 as fees for the semester.

The College authorities had given the impression that a Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) hostel project, currently under construction in the school, had been completed and dedicated last August 30, 2016, which informed the current increased intake of students for the academic year.

Mrs. Magdalene Aba Aggrey, Dean of Students, who initially denied that students were sleeping in classrooms, turned round to confirm the situation to the Ashanti File in a telephone interview.

She admitted that the administrators of the college had converted some classrooms into halls of residence to absorb more students.

She would not say anything about the number of students currently housed in these makeshift dormitories, but Ashanti File is informed about four (A, B, C and D blocks) had been turned into dormitories.
