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Ahmadi community calls for discipline among Ghanaians

Alhaji Maulvi Mohammed Bin Salih

Sun, 11 Jan 2015 Source: GNA

Alhaji Maulvi Mohammed Bin Salih, Ameer and Missionary-In-Charge of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Ghana, has called on Ghanaians, Muslims, and the Ahmadi community to uphold the act of discipline to enhance growth of the economy.

The Ameer stated that one of the causes of indiscipline, be it moral, financial or political, is greed and selfishness.

Maulvi Bin Salih was speaking at the 83rd Annual National Convention held at Gomoa Pomadze in the Central Region.

The theme; “Discipline, the Cornerstone for National Development” is to improve the act of discipline in the country for national development.

Maulvi Bin Salih noted that considering the material and human resources that Allah had endowed Ghana with, people together can easily develop the country into paradise if only they made efforts to show a bit of consideration towards the rights of one another.

He said indiscipline has made people to become unscrupulous nation wreckers, which is fast destroying the moral fiber of society and has led to the slow pace of development in the country.

“The speed at which indiscipline is taking root in the Ghanaian society is such that if something drastic is not done to stem this tide sooner, it would be a rare individual in Ghana who would be able to claim not to have become an accessory to this heinous offence.”

He affirmed that in advancing the collective Ghana agenda of a stable, free, democratic and progressively prosperous God fearing nation, there is the need for an example of complete discipline, honesty and manifest integrity by the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary.

Maulvi Bin Salih said in order for the country to stem this dangerous trend of growth and nurturing indiscipline among the youth, all political parties must jointly realize the harm they are doing to this country.

He therefore called on all political party executives to bring to a halt, the activities of these organized and heavily sponsored politically oriented youth wings or like-minded student bodies from the Senior High Schools, Colleges, and University Campuses.

He stressed that these kind of youth sponsorship led to indiscipline youngsters gradually processing to the top of political hierarchies thus becoming leaders at various levels of political party executives, Ministers of State and Parliamentarians.

The Ameer emphasized that indiscipline and moral degeneration, hypocrisy, selfishness, greed, corruption, violation of human rights, lack of responsibility, absence of mutual respect and trust was fast becoming the hallmark of the Ghanaian economy, hence the need to tackle the issue seriously.

He urged the members as well as the entire nation to know that the thin veneer of the past heritage won for them by their founding fathers and mothers can no longer hide the ugliness of the present state of indiscipline which is becoming more and more apparent by day.

The President John Dramani Mahama, addressing participants of the conference congratulated the Ameer and the Ahmadi Mission community for organizing such conference to renew their faith in Allah and for enhancing peace in the country.

The President commended the efforts of the Ahmadi community as being worthwhile, as development partners to help move the country and Islam forward, adding, the community has played a major role in instilling discipline among its members.

He said the motto “love for all, hatred for none” could be described as a candle of hope for countries faced with terrorism.

He noted that it cannot be said that religion teaches people violence, since the basis of all religious institutions was to improve peace and tolerance among each other, adding that peaceful co-existence of all religions in Ghana had made the country not to be affected by faith-based conflicts.

The President promised that the state would ensure it carried out its mandate to instill in the citizenry the discipline and responsibilities for growth.

Source: GNA