
Akomea: Wereko-Brobby has disrespected NPP

Nana Akomea Npp

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 Source: Joy Online

The Communications Director of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Akomea, has expressed disappointment at the public criticisms of a founding member of the party, concerning certain decisions the NPP has taken in recent times.

He said Dr Charles Wereko-Brobby, by his actions, has exhibited gross disrespect to the party.

Dr Wereko-Brobby who publicly stated his disagreement with the NPP for instigating a court case over the disputed December 7 and 8 elections, also condemned his party for boycotting upcoming by-elections in two constituencies as well as the current decision by minority MPs to boycott the vetting of newly appointed ministers.

Asked why he did not use internal structures in the party to address his concerns, Dr Wereko-Brobby told Bernard Saibu on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show Wednesday, executives who took those decisions did not do any consultation and wondered how he [Wereko-Brobbey] could have expressed his concerns to them.

But responding to him on the same programme, Nana Akomea said Dr Wereko –Brobbey’s arguments were illogical and lacked sense.

He could not fathom why a leading member of the party could publicly undermine it and claim to be doing so for the good of the NPP in future elections.

Nana Akomea who described Dr Wereko-Brobby’s actions as irrespective to the party, said the NPP strongly disagrees with his stance.

Source: Joy Online