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Akufo-Addo’s government needs more time to implement policies – Professor Adei

STEPG Prof. Stephen Adei

Tue, 4 Jul 2017 Source:

An academician and former rector of the Ghana Institute of Public Administration (GIMPA), Prof. Stephen Adei, has asked Ghanaians to give the current government more time and space, so that they can implement the planned programmes and policies.

He is of the view that the present administration is just six months old, and as such it is too early to rate them. He added that the president and his team should be given the benefit of the doubt and encouraged, so that we can all derive benefits from them.

The erudite man lauded the government’s effort with regard to the fight against illegal mining, popularly called “galamsey”.

He noted that a visit to the hot spots of the illegal mining activities would leave one with a clear impression that progress was being made on that front.

In this regard, he believes the menace would soon be a thing of the past. Professor Adei again said that he has always believed Ghana’s sole flaw to be its inability to challenge itself, as it could do better if it did so.

He identified the root cause to be petty politics that is usually given prominence in the country.

He went ahead to give the example of the free Senior High School (SHS) programme the current government declared its intention to implement. To him, all the critics were interested in was to doubt the realization of that ambition..
