
Algeria Ambassador Next On African Lifestyle.


On Saturday, November 8, 2003 at 2.30pm, His Excellency Idriss Jazairy, Algeria’s Ambassador to the United States will be guest on African lifestyle, a Pax TV (WPXW TV) program on Africa. He will talk about his country and its contribution to global trade and geo-politics.

African lifestyle is a born again television slot on this cable network that reaches over five million viewers. It is a complete devotion to a portrayal of Africa in more positive terms than the almost maxima of negativity we are used to in Europe and America.

“We will give briefs on weekly major events on the continent; we will also interview the leading lights-Presidents, Ministers, Journalists, and Artists, Policy makers both Africans and Africanists, and of course, we will also promote the rich diversity of African culture, from Yoruba mythology, engaging Ibo proverbs to, the music and dance that the people in the Great Lakes Region of Africa are famous for”.

One of the things that the Public Affairs Department at the Embassy of Ghana wanted to do a year ago was to show Ghanaian residents in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, a weekly TV program at the Chancery but this was difficult on many fronts.

However with persistence, now, there is something more than giving Ghanaians a weekly account of home events. African Lifestyle will be our shelter from the many misery images of our African homeland.

The producer is the well-known Sierra Leonean broadcaster Mr. Hilton Fyle who for many years dazzled listeners of BBC Network with Africa programs in London with the best of what can ever be offered. Also an author and musician with great compositions to his credit, Hilton has traveled to virtually all of Africa and Europe talking about Africa in institutions that include Oxford University and as a journalist he knows his job.

Mr. Shaka Sali, the Ugandan broadcaster who is currently the host of the Straight Talk Africa program of the Voice of America in Washington, DC is in a class of his own. Great voice, great sense of Humor and very intelligent, Shaka will be a regular with the latest discussions on Africa.

Mr. Agyeman-Duah will be the Strategic Issues Advisor and work towards recruiting a class of professional elite for this program while the Embassy of Ghana will be the co-operating agency and the Ghanaweb will be our advertising medium for the program every other week and subsequently, weekly.

There will also be Christiana Agyarko and Araba Dadson co-producers with Hilton Fyle the original host team.

This is a voluntary African enterprise by us. Indulge in it and have fun to make it succeed.