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All you need to know about first coronavirus case in Upper East Region

Covid Coronavirus File 09fk File Photo

Sat, 4 Apr 2020 Source:

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has confirmed a Covid19 case in the Upper East Region. The confirmation follows the testing of samples of a suspected patient at the Regional Hospital.

The patient is reported to have visited the facility for health care and was detected during a screening as a suspected case. She was then isolated for investigations to be carried out which the result was announced positive on Friday.

The Upper East Regional Minister, Tangoba Abayage account’s that “Upper East Region has recorded its first case of Covid19: a 33 year old woman with no travel history out of the country. She however traveled to the Western Region for a week and returned to Bolgatanga on 27/03/2020.

On 28/03/2020 she presented herself to the UE Regional Hospital with symptoms consistent with Coviid19. Samples were sent to Kumasi for laboratory confirmation.

On 03/04/2020 GHS received the laboratory feedback indicating a positive result for Covid19 out of 20 cases so far investigated”

She has however indicated that “the patient is in good condition and under isolation. Contact tracing has been initiated.The general public is urged to remain calm: there’s no need for panic.
