
American Energy Company To Prospect For Oil In Ghana

Tue, 28 Oct 1997 Source: --

The Ghana Government and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation on Thursday 23 October signed an agreement with Nuevo Energy all based company, for petroleum rights offshore the Central Basin area south of Accra. The exploratory site covers about 2.7 million acres. The Minister of Mines and Energy, Mr.. Fred Ohene Kena, the Chief Executive of the GNPC, Mr.. Tsatsu Tsikata, and the President and Chief Executive Officer of Nuero Company, Mr.. Doug Foshee, signed the agreement. This is the second petroleum agreement the Company has signed with the government. Mr.. Ohene Kena remarked that the presence of Nuevo in Ghana shows the confidence the company has in the country's economy. He assured the company of the government's support in its activities. On his part, Mr.. Soug Foshee said his Company will endeavour to put what he called a "human face" to the oil and gas industry in Ghana and ensure that it impacts positively on the lives of Ghanaians.

The Ghana Government and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation on Thursday 23 October signed an agreement with Nuevo Energy all based company, for petroleum rights offshore the Central Basin area south of Accra. The exploratory site covers about 2.7 million acres. The Minister of Mines and Energy, Mr.. Fred Ohene Kena, the Chief Executive of the GNPC, Mr.. Tsatsu Tsikata, and the President and Chief Executive Officer of Nuero Company, Mr.. Doug Foshee, signed the agreement. This is the second petroleum agreement the Company has signed with the government. Mr.. Ohene Kena remarked that the presence of Nuevo in Ghana shows the confidence the company has in the country's economy. He assured the company of the government's support in its activities. On his part, Mr.. Soug Foshee said his Company will endeavour to put what he called a "human face" to the oil and gas industry in Ghana and ensure that it impacts positively on the lives of Ghanaians. End.

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