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Amissah Arthur Is Boring, Incompetent - PPP

Veep Amissah Arthur

Mon, 24 Sep 2012 Source: peacefmonline

Barely a week after Paa Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur was nominated, approved and out-doored as running mate of National Democratic Congress (NDC) Flag bearer, President John Mahama, his (Amissah-Arthur’s) appointment is being demeaned.

The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) considers him as “boring” and “incompetent”.

Mr Amissah-Arthur, who also doubles as the Vice-President, was last Tuesday, officially approved and endorsed by the NDC’s Council of Elders and National Executive Committee (NEC) to partner President Mahama for the December polls at a well-attended ceremony graced by NDC Regional Chairmen, supporters, sympathisers and other party executives, who were all clad in party colours and paraphernalia.

But General Secretary of the PPP, Asamoah Siaw, is of the considered opinion that Mr Amissah-Arthur’s endorsement will not add anything to the electoral fortunes of the ruling party.

According to him, his nomination and subsequent approval has rather given the PPP an upper hand, adding that the race for who wins the December elections is now between the PPP and the main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Speaking in an interview on Okay FM’s Ade Akye Abia Morning show, the PPP Chief Scribe said his party deems competence and incorruptible leadership as the main ingredients which the electorate will base their choice of a preferred candidate on; qualities which President Mahama and Mr. Amissah Arthur sadly do not possess.

He noted that the track record of Mr. Amissah Arthur as Governor of the Central Bank, is nothing to write home about and a clear indication that he lacks the credibility and competence to move Ghana forward.

“…Ghana has seen its worst economic mismanagement, cedi depreciation and untold poverty under the NDC administration with Mr. Amissah Arthur as Governor of BoG,” he added

He further stated that Mr. Amissah-Arthur can also be held liable for the payment of unwarranted judgment debt to embattled financier Alfred Agbesi Woyome since the money was paid under his watch even though the late President Mills revealed that he ordered for the payment to be stopped twice.

The PPP General Secretary accused President Mahama of being a failure in his role as Vice-President, noting that he (Mahama) is “only good at abusing incumbency”.

"President Mahama was a failure as vice President and has also failed even in his role as “caretaker” President…he (Mahama) is only good at abusing incumbency...using state funds and resources to campaign all in the name of “Thank You” tour,” he said.

Source: peacefmonline