
Angola reports 80 cases of human trafficking

Child Trafficking 2 8 file photo

Sat, 15 Feb 2020 Source:

At least eighty cases of human trafficking have been reported in the country, 20 of which are undergoing judicial treatment, affirmed, Saturday, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Francisco Queiroz.

The Cabinet minister was speaking to the press on the sidelines of a meeting of the Social Policy Committee of the Council of Ministers, which among other issues considered the Plan for the Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking.

The minister said that work is underway with the police, in order to prevent this social evil, within the framework of the Commission, which, due to its transversal nature, involves other bodies.

These are the organs of defense, security and internal order, education, family and promotion of women, as well as civil society.

According to Francisco Queiroz, "in Angola there are many practices of trafficking in human beings (...) on the southern border, because of the facility that one crosses the border".

He referred that in some cases these practices are denounced by international institutions.

He added that air borders, through airports, have also been used for trafficking in human beings, especially children transported to Europe and from there to other destinations.
