
Annual Church Branding Summit to equip churches, pastors

Church Branding Church Branding

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 Source: BKC Consulting

The 2nd Annual Church Branding Summit organized by BKC Consulting seeks to equip ministries, churches, pastors and church leaders on effective branding, church management, and digital evangelism.

This year’s summit will be held on the 18th of November, 9AMat the Grandstar Hotel, Off the Haatso – Bohye Road.

Topics to be treated:

- Personal Branding for Pastors and Church Leaders

- Biblical Branding 7 Reasons to Brand your Ministry/Church

- 3 Lessons & Strategies from well-branded Churches/ Ministers

- 4 Reasons Why your Church & Ministry Name is Vital

- How to Rebrand your Church – Brand Identity

- Ministering to a Global audience - The brand factor

- Effective use of Social media for Ministry – Digital Evangelism

- Podcasting your Ministry – The Dag-Heward Mills Effect

- Why Churches fail from the Brand perspective

- 3 Reasons Why Every Pastor Must Write a Book

- How to Write and Publish your book with little or no money

- Growing your ministry – the New Church Growth approach

- Securing the Financial Future of your Ministry

- Managing Church Workers and Members Effectively

Saturday 18th November2017 9AM at Grandstar Hotel, Haatso –Accra

Package includes: Book, Workshop Resources, Refreshment (Coffee Breaks and Lunch)

Host: Bernard Kelvin Clive Ghana's leading personal branding coach & amazon bestselling author of over 30 published books. He has helped hundreds of pastors, writers, entrepreneurs to self-publish books and build brands.

He has consulted for churches and ministries such as the Church of Pentecost Hq, ICGC, Victory Bible Church, Calvary Baptist Church, Eastwood Anaba Ministries, etc

Call 0244961121, to register.

Source: BKC Consulting