
Annual Ghanaians Abroad Income Tax

Mon, 27 Nov 2006 Source: mayor speaks (

The interim Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC) Kwame Appiah "Kwame Mayor" Boateng has announced that it is the intent of the organization to sponsor a Private Bill in Parliament effective November 27, 2006 on behalf of Ghanaians with Dual Citizenship to enable them to exercise their inalienable (Birth and Blood Rights) to hold Public office in Ghana and is also calling for an ("Annual Ghanaians Abroad Income Tax") to benefit the Country !!!.

The Coalition Leader is publicly asking both the Majority and Minority Speakers in Parliament to sponsor the [Private Bill] granting Ghanaians with Dual Citizens the right to hold public office as "Birth and Blood Rights !!!".

"Osagyefo" Boateng, a former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate - turned 2004 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region said his organization, which has always fought for the best interest of Ghanaians living abroad should in [fairness], fight for Ghanaians with Dual Citizens to excercise their Birth and Blood Rights to hold Public office and has called upon Ghanaians living abroad to begin to pay "Ghanaians Abroad Income Tax" - (at least, $5.00, $50.00, $100.00 (or) More a (YEAR) from (every) Ghanaian living abroad !!!.

The "Mayor" advised Ghanaians abroad NOT to pay in cash, but by Check or Money Order and to always request for receipts of their Income Tax to Ghana - (for the sake of ensuring 100% accountability and transparancy !!!).

The interim Leader said the "Ghanaians Abroad Coalition" - GAC is willing to collect such an [ANNUAL INCOME TAX] for Mother Ghana and guarantee 100 % accountability - provided (NO) Cash is used as a form of payment !!!.

However, the Coalition's Leader said he prefers that Ghanaians living abroad pay (DIRECTLY) to the appropriate government agency - Ghana's Internal Revenue Service (if they consent to this idea !!!) - to save the "Ghanaians Abroad Coalition" from any form of misunderstanding, innuendos, or confusion by detractors !!!.

Paying "Ghanaians Abroad Income Tax" through the Ghanaians Abroad Coalition's Bank Account is (VOLUNTARILY !!!), the Coalition's Leader explained to Ghanaians around the World !!!.

The "Ghanaians Abroad Coalition" is a registered Non-Profit organization in the United States of America.

The "People's Mayor" is also appealing to other Africans living abroad to pay annual "INCOME TAX" - [directly] to their respective Countries of birth or origin (or) through the "Coalition of Africans Abroad" if they choose to do so !!!.

The "Coalition of Africans Abroad" is also a Non-Profit registered organization in USA.

The Ghanaians Abroad Coalition's Leader is also appealing to Blacks in the Diaspora, especially African-Americans to pay an "ANNUAL [VOLUNTARY] MOTHERELAND INCOME TAX" to (any) African Country of their choice to help in the Continent's development !!!.

(Ideas cannot be copied or immitated without permission, said the Civil Rights and Human Rights Leader in his own right) !!!.

The Peace activist also asked "Our White Brothers and Sisters" - (as INDIVIDUALS !!!), Businesses and Corporations to (voluntarily) pay an "ANNUAL SLAVERY COMPENSATION TAX" of (any) amount or a fixed amount to African American organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) - if they consent to such an idea and [also] to African Countries that suffered from the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade (if they consent to it) - to at least, atone for what British Prime Minister, Tony Blair has (acknowledged on Moral grounds) that the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was a "Crime Against Humanity" !!!.

"Governments that benefited from the Slavery should "MUSTER THE MORAL COURAGE TO APOLOGISE (AND) PAY COMPENSATION to DESCEDANTS of Slaves and to African Countries which suffered from Slavery, said the Ghanaian born Civil Rights and Human Rights Crusader" who has pledged to dedicate his "NEVER AGAIN COMPENSATION FUND", a registered Non-Profit organization in USA to serve as a "SLAVERY COMPENSATION FUND !!!".

The Peace activist, whose article on "Slavery Compensation" was used as an Editorial in the Los Angeles Sentinel - (the leading Black Newspaper in Southern California) on July 20, 2000, acknowledged that "Money cannot erase the pain and suffering of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade". "However, our ["White Brothers and Sisters"] can at least pay an "ANNUAL VOLUNTARY SLAVERY COMPENSATION TAX" to descedants of Slaves, especially African-Americans and to African Countries which suffered from slavery !!!.

Turning to his intended Private Bill to allow Ghanaians with Dual Citizenship to hold public office in Ghana, the CPP activist called for an end to Ghana's "Apartheid Laws" prohibiting "Dual Citizens" from holding Public Office, saying that His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor, former President Jerry John Rawlings, current Ministers; former Ministers and [all] Politicians, especially, Political Leaders, etc, etc, should be subjected to the [same] "PREMPEH TEST" (under penalty of perjury under the Laws of Ghana and International Laws) - alluding to the disqualification of President John Agyekum Kuffuor's former nominee for Ashanti Regional Minister, Mr. Lawrence Akwasi Prempeh, on the grounds that he holds "Dual Citizenship".

"The ["Prempeh Test"], applied equally and fairly, will enable us to ascertain whether former President Jerry John Rawlings and some of his former Ministers in the PNDC-turned NDC regime; President John Agyekum Kuffuor and some his UP-turned NPP - former (and) current Ministers, etc, have (Foreign Passports) to flee the Country in case of Civil unrest or (May God Forbid), Civil War !!!", said the Civil Rights Leader and Politician.

"Some of these government officials (and) former government Ministers may probably be acting with (hypocrisy) to continue to maintain "Apartheid Laws" forbidding Dual Citizens from holding public office in Ghana", the interim President of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as ("Kwame Mayor"), who once publicly and symbolically sought "[Political Asylum]" in a News story said.

The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate and interim Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition called upon Ghanaians Abroad to (PEACEFULLY) register their protest to the existing PNDC-turned NDC "(Apartheid Laws)" against "Birth and Blood Rights" to hold public office which His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor's government, (after accusing the former President's government of enacting Laws to prevent Ghanaians living abroad, especially "Political Exiles" from participating in the Democratic process, regrettfully and shamefully has found it [convenient] to maintain a Law prohibiting Ghanaians abroad with "Dual Citizenship" from participating in the current Democratic process.

" Let's not forget that President John Agyekum Kuffuor was a former PNDC Ally of former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings and that, he graduated from the "PNDC School of Macheavelli Philosophy", said the sarcastic "People's Mayor".

The [CPP Patriot and activist], who has empirically traced the history of "Voting Rights for Ghanaians Living Abroad" to his undisputable effort and copies of his public Literature / Platform to Ghana's Embassy in 1996/1997 --- (which might have prompted Embassy Officials such as the former Ghana's Ambassador to the United States during NDC era, Mr. Spio Gabral to [probably] advise former President Jerry Rawlings to call for Voting Rights for Ghanaians abroad, yet he, the former President Rawlings himself refused to sign the Voting Rights for Ghanaians Living abroad into law !!!) --- coupled with the [later] contributory efforts of other Patriots such as NPP's "Kofi Ropa" ; and the [same CPP Patriot and Activist], who as head of the Ghanaians Abroad Coalition brought pressure to bear on the ruling NPP government to finally sign the "Dual Citizens Act", said "Birth and Blood Rights to hold public office is a Natural Right that should be supported by Constitutional Right" !!! - cautioning that the denial of such fundamental right is tantamount to creating an "Apartheid State" where natural born Ghanaians with ancestral, blood and birth rights are deliberately and unfairly denied their "God's Given Right" or Natural Right to hold public office in their [own] Land of "Biological Ancestors" !!!. "We respected and protected former President Rawlings' [UNDISPUTABLE RIGHT] to run for public office and hold public office in Ghana and we believe that his "BIOLOGICAL Dual Citizenship" as "Half Ghanaian and Half Scottish" was IRRELEVANT to the fact that he (Mr. Rawlings), had the right to run and hold public office. In the same line of thinking or "Theory of Birth Rights", we should respect and protect the [undisputable] rights of "ARTIFICIAL Dual Citizens" to hold public office, said the "Pocket Lawyer"; alumnus of the prestigious and expensive University of Southern California (USC) and an admitted or [anticipated] Ph.D Student in Political Science at [another] prestigious and expensive Claremont Graduate University (CGU), who ran for Member of Parliament in 2004 at the Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana - a Constituency which some people affectionately refer to as "KWAME MAYOR'S TERRITORY" and a Constituency the former Ghanaian -American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate hopes someday to turn into "LITTLE AMERICA" with "Mini-Disneyland cum Safari or (DISNEY-SAFARI)"; "Mini Magic Mountain", "Mini Universal Studios"; Electric Powered and Fast Trains; Movie Theatres, (Local or Indigenous African Restaurants to serve Local People and Foreigners); "African-Chinese" Restaurants, African version of Burger King, African version of Mac Donald, African version of Kentucky Fried Chicken; Businesses and Industries, reminiscent of the Industrial Revolution !!!. (Ideas cannot be copied or imitated without permission, says the Politician with endless "Strategic Ideas". !!!)

The "Political Philosopher" and the undisputable "Father of the THEORY of an African Peaceful and non-violent (NUCLEAR and SUPER POWER - IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE [RACIAL PARITY] !!! - with our white brothers and sister in Global Politics !!!", said since we are [all] God's Children regardless of whether one was "Biologically born a Dual Citizen" - (that is, a Person being born into Parents of (different) Nationalities or whether one is "Artificially a Dual Citizenship", that is, a Person acquiring Dual Citizenship", nobody should be discriminated, especially when it comes to birth rights and blood rights !!!.

"Some of our Ministers, former Ministers and even some of our Presidents may have once worked in America or Britain, etc. If they worked in America even with a "Green Card", there was some form of "allegiance" since the "Green card" requires registration with the "Selective Service" to be drafted into war up to a certain age beginning from the age of 18".

"UP-turned NPP's Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, a former Prime Minister lived and survived in Britain with some form of documents and we think, it wasn't by Student Visa"

"Did President Kuffuor and any of his Ministers once live overseas and with what documents did they acquire to live or survive" ?.

"Does former President Jerry John Rawlings have or ever had a Scottish Passport "?.

"Did any current Minister or former Minister work in Britain, USA, Germany or any Country overseas ? - the "People's Mayor", in an effort to prove HYPOCRISY posed these questions !!!.

"If a former Minister or current Minister worked "illegally" abroad, then should that "Foreign" Country seek that Minister or former Minister's extradiction to answer ?", the "People's Mayor", trying to pin-point the HYPOCRISY of some current Ministers and former ministers; Presidents and former Presidents who oppose "Dual Citizens" from holding public offices, posed a deeper question - again, quoting Legendary Nigeria's Civil Rights Leader of Blessed Memory, Ken Saro Wiwa, that "The Best of the Black Man is Evil" !!!.

"The White Man in an European Country will respect the Birth Right of a Black man or an African born in that (European Country) to run for office and hold public office !!!.

"Compassionate America" will even allow "Green Card" holders to run for certain Local offices - despite the fact that these "Green Card" holders were born outside America and "Compassionate America" will even go further to allow any African born on the soil of United States of America to run for President of United States, yet your [own] African brother and sister will oppose an African "Dual Citizen's" right to hold public office - (despite the fact that in some cases, some of these "Dual citizens" were born on the soil of Ghana and their Parents were also born in Ghana and moreover, their ancestors were born in Ghana", said the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, a Civil Rights and Human Rights Activist as well as Peace Crusader, known for fighting for "GOOD CAUSES" !!!.

"Former President Jerry John Rawlings, President John Agyekum Kuffuor, Mr. Akwasi Prempeh; People born by Parents with Dual Nationalities or "Biological Dual Citizens" and People born in Ghana by Parents of the [same] Nationality as Ghanaians and with Ghanaian ancestry should enjoy the (same) right to hold public office !!!, said the "People's Mayor", adding " President John Agyekum Kuffuor and former President and all of us were created Equal by One God and our birth rights as well as blood or ancestral rights are SACRED !!!.

"Ghanaians Abroad Coalition is [still] ready and willing to fight for the "Birth Right and Blood Right" of every Ghanaian around the World including the right of Ghanaians with Dual Citizenship, said the former Interim Leader of the Coalition who has faulted President Kuffuor for inhibiting the rights of Ghanaians abroad - similar to the "tactics" used by former President Jerry John Rawlings.

"Our President will not take the [initiative] to fight for Ghanaians living abroad [unless] CPP Man, "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor takes the initiative !!!, lamented the "People's Mayor", although acknowledging that President Kuffuor has done more for Ghanaians living abroad than former President Rawlings who was and [still] is afraid of his "Own Shadows" !!! - in terms of the "EXILES" he planted overseas by his (and) Boakye-Djan's AFRC regime and Mr. Rawlings' own PNDC regime which President Kuffuor once served with distinction under the PNDC !!!.

"Mobilize your resources and strength to use Non-Violent (PEACEFUL) means to change Ghana's Modern Day "Apartheid Laws" that infringe upon the rights of Ghanaians abroad, said the Politician who publicly sought "Symbolic Political Asylum" in a Ghanaweb's famouse story.

"[All] former Presidents --- (Rawlings has executed all of them anyway, except himself); current President and [all] his Ministers; [all] former Ministers, etc should be subjected to "PREMPEH TEST" - in other words, former President Rawlings and [all] his AFRC; PNDC to NDC former Ministers; President Kuffuor and [all] his Ministers, etc, etc should be asked the [same] question Mr. Lawrence Akwasi Prempeh was asked by the Vetting Committee which denied his birth and blood right to run for public office.

"Lets uproot existing "Apartheid Laws" which are detrimental against Ghanaians with "Dual Citizenship" and (Ghanaians Abroad in general !!!) - Obnoxious Laws created by (PNDC - turned NDC regime), targeted especially [against] "Political Exiles", which the (UP-turned NPP government) surprisingly (and) hypocritically has allowed it to exist for the sake of "Political Convenience " !!!, the Marverick CPP activist and the "People's Mayor" charged !!!.

Source: mayor speaks (