
Anti-gay bill could have severe repercussions on various fronts – UNAIDS

Byamyiana1.png Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Winnie Byanyima

Fri, 1 Mar 2024 Source:

The Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Winnie Byanyima, criticised the passage of the anti-LGBT+ Bill.

In a statement, Dr. Byanyima said the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill in Ghana could incite violence among Ghanaians and impede access to life-saving services.

According to her, the Bill might undermine social protection and hinder Ghana’s developmental progress, affecting fundamental liberties such as freedom of speech, association, and movement.

The Bill could have severe repercussions on various fronts, including its adverse impact on the fight against AIDS and the overall jeopardisation of public health, she added.

She said the Bill could cause severe harm to individual freedoms and the broader efforts to combat health challenges if assented to.

Read the full statement below

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