The two security agencies clashed over who had the power to arrest the alleged fraudsters
Some officers of the Ghana Police Service have attacked some personnel of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) and wrenched from their custody, four Nigerian aliens who had been arrested at McCarthy Hills in Accra.
The showdown occurred on Tuesday, 21 November 2018 around Sakaman in Accra, after the Immigration officers picked up the Nigerian suspects for being in Ghana illegally and also engaging in cyber fraud.
The GIS personnel led by the District Commander, Supt. Elijah Narh arrested the Nigerian suspects upon a tip-off and complaints from some neighbours at McCarthy Hills.
There were seven suspects but three of them managed to escape arrest.
As the suspects were being transported to the GIS Headquarters in Accra for investigations, a siren-blaring police Navara pickup full of armed officers with registration number GP 3693 suddenly pulled up and blocked the GIS personnel from moving any further in their vehicle at Sakaman Junction, near Odorkor.
The armed police officers who outnumbered the immigration officers wrenched the suspects from the custody of the GIS officers and drove off with them and their laptop exhibits in the full glare of the public.
One police officer in mufti reportedly pointed his gun at the Immigration Commander, who was driving one of the cars, daring him to drive off if he were a man.
The public confrontation between officers of the sister security agencies shocked passersby who watched in awe as the officers hurled verbal salvos at each other.
The Public Relations Officer of the Ghana Immigration Service, Supt. Michael Amoako Atta, confirmed to Class91.3FM’s 12Live mid-day news programme on Thursday, 22 November 2018 that the police have since returned three of the suspects with a promise to return the last suspect later.
Supt. Amoako Atta said he had no idea why the police officers behaved in the manner they did, adding that it is a “mystery”.