
Ashanti Region steps up efforts to control cholera

Cholera Patient

Wed, 27 Aug 2014 Source: GNA

The Ashanti Regional Health Directorate, has stepped up efforts to hold back the spread of cholera and prevent it from getting out of hands.

So far 18 confirmed cases including one death from the infectious disease that causes severe diarrhoea and vomiting have been reported Kumasi Metropolis, Ashanti-Akim Central, Kwabre East, Ashanti-Akim South, Ahafo-Ano South and Adansi South Districts.

Dr Joseph Oduro, Deputy Regional Director in charge of Public Health, told Ghana News Agency that the medical authorities have stocked adequate drugs and infusions to treat patients who report to the facilities with the infection.

He said the directorate has intensified public education through the use of community information centres and community durbars to educate the public on the very simple and basic things they could do to protect themselves from catching the bacterial infection.

Dr Oduro said the health directorate is working hand-in-hand with the environmental health officers of the assemblies to make sure that the environment is kept clean, prevent open defecation and to promote proper waste management practices.

He asked the people not to expose water and food to flies, adding that, food must be eaten hot and hands thoroughly washed with soap after a visit to the toilet.

Source: GNA