
"Assassinate me for all I care! I won't be cowed"

Martin Amidu 28Oct2010

Sun, 22 Mar 2015 Source:

Former Attorney General Martin Amidu has said he is not afraid of being assassinated by the Mahama administration or thugs who may want to frustrate his quest to pursue justice as far as the illegal payment of a Ghc51.2 million judgment debt to businessman Alfred Agbesi Woyome in 2010 is concerned.

In his latest statement issued to the media on Sunday to rebuff claims by former National Security Adviser Larry Gbevlo-Lartey that his (Amidu’s) dismissal in 2012 by President John Mills (late) had nothing to do with his suggestion to the Government–at the time–to use his predecessor Betty Mould-Iddrisu–under whose tenure the money was paid to Mr Woyome–as a prosecution a witness in the Government’s quest toward retrieving the money, Mr Amidu said: “There are other things to be said about my latter relationship with Gbevlo-Lartey after I left office should he persist in peddling untruths about me to which he has no personal knowledge.”

“He had used cajoling with promises, threats, and intimidations on me with the singular intention of shutting me up.

“I will not now be cowed and thugs can be sent to assassinate me should the Government or anybody wish, for all I care!”

Mr Amidu said: “I am sending this rejoinder out at the weekend so that it does not on a working day detract from the real issues of the perception that the Government and the Attorney General were not bent on sincerely prosecuting Woyome and all his accomplices or retrieving the judgment debts ordered by the Supreme Court.”

“The intention to overwhelm me with personal attacks by agents of Government and the NDC some of whom may selfishly and greedily be seeking only to build their personal stomach infrastructure at the expense of the Republic will not succeed because those who have ever worked with me know that I was a work horse for the Governments I served and I still have the same energy to protect and defend the Constitution of Ghana as by law established even during my retirement,” Mr Amidu added.
