
Assembly Man sensitize communities to accept verdict of SC

Tue, 6 Aug 2013 Source: Samuel Akapule, Zoliba –Tindongo

Assembly Man for Zoliba –Tindongo Electoral area sensitize communities to accept verdict of SC

The Assembly Man for Zoliba –Tindongo Electoral area in the Nabdam District of the Upper East Region , Mr. Charles Ndanbon at the week sensitized communities in his constituency on the need to accept the Supreme Court Verdict when passed. He told people in the constituency that Ghana was one and it had chalked lot of credentials at the international level and nothing should be done to undermine the peace it was enjoying.

The Assembly man who is also the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Organizers for the Nabdam Constituency said “any party that is declared by the Supreme Court decision as the winner must be given all the necessary support to help accelerate the development of the country”

Mr Charles Ndanbon who is also the Managing Director of Yenyeya Small Scale Mining Group, warned the youth to be wary of selfish politicians who would want to use them to foment trouble during and after the Supreme Court verdict, stressing “you must stay away from such selfish and greedy politicians” Religious leaders including Moslems, Christians and Traditionalists, he noted, must also double up their prayers during and after the verdict and as well as sensitize their congregation to accept the verdict. He lauded the Supreme Court Judges for the mature and neutrality manner in which they conducted themselves during the ruling and indicated that it portrayed to the whole Africa and the international community that Ghana had gained enough maturity in its democracy. “There is no doubt that many African countries will begin to lean from Ghana and nothing should be done to mar this good laurel achieved by the country” Mr Ndanbon stressed.

On the rejection of the President nominees of District Chief Executives , he suggested that the best way to tackle the problem was to allow them to be elected by the people and stressed that this would make them more accountable to the people. He commended the Upper East Regional Minister, Alhaji Limuna Mohammed–Muniru and his deputy Mr Daniel Syme for the efficient manner in which they were conducting affairs of the region and expressed hope that this would help accelerate development.

“The Regional Minister and his deputy run open door policy and do not discriminate in terms of political colourization and these qualities are key to development. They ought to also be commended for maintaining peace in the area”, he added.

Source: Samuel Akapule, Zoliba –Tindongo