
BCI to Educate Women on Breast Cancer

Tue, 15 Oct 2013 Source: Bruce Misbahu Bulmuo

Breast Care International Partner Rural Bank to Educate Women on Breast Cancer.

Breast Care International (BCI) in collaboration with Antwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank have organized free breast cancer health education and screening for women in Santatsi, near Kumasi.

The screening was part of an annual health education program organized by the bank in its areas of operation as part of its corporate social responsibility of giving back to society.

Para-medical team from BCI and Peace and Love Hospital educated the women who had gathered in their numbers at the Methodist Church on the dangers of breast cancer.

The team also informed the women about the risk factors that can contribute to women contracting the disease although the cause is not yet known to medical professionals and researchers.

The women who remained attentive throughout the education, were assured that breast cancer can be easily treated when detected and reported early to the hospital.

Early detection and treatment can save the precious lives of women, who are the biggest victims of the disease.

The techniques used in the early detection of breast diseases, especially breast cancer, such as breast self examination (BSE) and clinical screenings such as scan and mammogram were explained to the women.

They were encouraged to take advantage of these methods of diagnoses, to promptly determine any abnormality with their breasts for quick and proper treatment at the hospital.

The need to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle by abstaining from some lifestyles and rather engaging in health boosting ventures such as exercise was explained to the women.

The education was followed by clinical breast screenings conducted by the medical team of Peace and Love Hospital to determine the status of the women as regards breast cancer.

Over 500 women were screened and some who were detected of possible breast diseases, particularly breast cancer, were referred to hospitals for further diagnoses and treatment.

The Assistant Marketing Manager of Antwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank, Mr Isaac Kwatia, said his organization was pleased to have partnered BCI and Peace and Love Hospital to educate women on breast cancer, which is affecting several women, who fall within the economic bracket.

He encouraged the women to religiously adhere to the education and put to practice the methods of breast self examination they were thought.

Mr Kwatia thanked BCI for quickly honouring the invitation to be part of the bank’s annual health education program aimed at creating awareness on the importance of healthy living.

Source: Bruce Misbahu Bulmuo