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Bawku Naba asks to Govt to state its position on Bawku conflict

Fri, 9 May 2008 Source: GNA

Bawku (U/E), May 9, GNA - The Paramount Chief of the Bawku Traditional Area, Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II and his Elders, on Thursday appealed to the Government to state its official position on the Bawku conflict in order to find a lasting solution to the crisis in the area.

The Paramount Chief and his Elders made the appeal at a press conference held in Bawku, Upper East Region.

He expressed worry about the conflict and the embarrassment it was causing to the Region and Ghana as whole and appealed to the people in the area, especially those who were fuelling the conflict to desist from that to pave way for development.

He stressed that, unless the Government came out to clearly state its stand on the conflict and resolved it once and for all, the conflict would continue to resurface.

The Paramount Chief explained that as at the time Government and other stakeholders were making progress towards the restoration of normalcy in Bawku, some people had intervened once more to create further confusion.

Naba Azoka II indicated that the major issue that engaged the two feuding ethnic groups some time ago was on chieftaincy but the "laws of the land" came out to resolve the issue and to put the matter to rest. "Therefore if there are persons today who are refusing to accept decision arrived at through the due process of law then whose decision do they want to accept?" He questioned.

He appealed to the Government to also deal firmly with those supporting, misleading or encouraging the acts of conflicts in the area to serve as deterrent to others.

Naba Azoka II stressed that patience had its limit and he and his Elders would not continue to allow things to go bad in the area as a result of frivolous conflicts, hampering development and warned the trouble makers to desist from their activities or he and his Elders would advised themselves.

Meanwhile, the Bawku Township seemed to be returning to normalcy as people, especially traders were going on with their normal business as result of the review of the curfew from 0700 hours (7 am) to 1500 hours (3 pm).

Source: GNA