
Bawumia sounded so persuasive in New York..

Sun, 15 Jul 2012 Source: Alex Abel Adusei

Dr. Bawumia gave a brilliant speech to the party faithful in New York on July 13th, 2012. He touched on basic actions essential to jump-start the Ghanaian economy. He said any plans to retool the economy should include the following:

The National Identification cards for each person (at least for tax and crime leakages);

Street Addresses for every housing location with the help of Google mapping;

Charge less at the Harbors on manufacturing equipments as an incentive to diasporians and investors;

Promote more dedicated diasporians to transfer their skills-set home (saying a couple of diasporians helped Ghana to discover oil, while others brought in Western Union, built Banks, modern houses, and businesses);

Educate the citizenry to use checks and electronic transfers as exits in the Western world, and helping them to feel more comfortable to save and transact business with financial institutions;

Reduce Lending rates to make Ghanaian businesses more competitive on the global level;

Provide free High-School education for the youth (saying we can simply get the money by avoiding the Wayome & CP judgment debt syndrome);

Adopt the Master-apprentice relations in certain informal sectors of the Ghanaian economy into more structural environments for proper training of the youth. With such money-making skills, they can become better taxpayers, better husbands & wives, and reduce the escalating youth unemployment;

The Agric-sector employs about 65% of Ghanaians and the growth-rate in that sector has been declining under the Mills administration. No wonder the people feel the pinch of unemployment and the “no money in the pocket” crisis. He said one way to solve this problem is to expand our manufacturing base with agro-processing as a priority. There is also the need to start petro-chemical, plastics, and fertilizer industries, and appraise further opportunities in Bauxite mining and related factories;

Dr. Bawumia emphasized that Ghana is well endowed with many resources: Gold price has doubled on the commodities exchange under the Mills administration, we have new oil revenue, and like the Black Stars national team, Ghana is fortunate to have talented human resources, including those in the diaspora like each one of us. The country needs to change the sleeping Yutong bus-driver, and Nana Akufo Addo is ever ready to drive this bus to our proper destination.

Sir John (an old friend) also made an appeal for 400 pick-up trucks towards the pending campaign. He estimated that the 230 constituencies deserve at least 1 new pick-up, each of the 10 Regional party offices also needs transportation (as well as the party head-quarters) to coordinate all the ballot-boxes. The New York members promised to provide several trucks, motor bikes, and hundreds of lap-tops. The team has left for Connecticut, Dallas, Los Angeles, and to Toronto. "Agro no aye de".

Source: Alex Abel Adusei, N.Y.C / Kwadaso Constituency.

Source: Alex Abel Adusei