
Be firm but fair – CJ tells Commissioners for Oath

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Fri, 23 Nov 2018 Source:

Chief Justice, Sophia Akuffo has charged the newly sworn Commissioners for Oath to be firm but fair in the discharge of their duties to the Republic of Ghana. According to her, it is important that the Commissioners perform their duty with due care, paying the greatest of attention to the details and essence of the law.

At the swearing-in of 731 Commissioners for Oath in Accra, the Chief Justice advised the Commissioners to be accommodating but faithful to the law and do not for a minute compromise their training and integrity by allowing any infractions on their parts.

“As Commissioners for Oath, you will be overseeing the swearing of Oaths and making of affirmations by persons who do not have the requisite documents to establish their citizenship status, in the on-going national identification exercise. This means that the integrity of this sensitive national exercise now lies, to a significant extent in your hands,” she noted.

The 731 newly Commissioners for Oath will be assisting the National Identification Authority (NIA) in administering lawful oaths or take lawful affirmations or affidavits under Section 9 (1) of the Oaths Act, 1972 (NRCD 6) and regulation 56 of the Judicial Service Regulations, 1963 (L. I. 319).

“Any oath, affirmation or affidavit that is in violation of the Constitution of Ghana or any statute in force, such as the Statutory Declarations Act, 1971 (Act 389), the Oaths Act, 1972 (NRCD 6) and the Citizenship Act, 2000 (Act 591), is unlawful,” she said. She added that “it is an offence punishable under the Laws of Ghana to administer or take, conspire to or condone in any such oaths, affirmations or affidavits.”

Justice Sophia Akuffo warned the Commissioners that willfully certifying false statements or documents or intentionally deceiving, concealing or withholding any facts or documents pertinent to the swearing of an Oath is a misdemeanour punishable under Section 191 of Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29).

She explained that the Commissioners should not under any circumstances swear in anyone that they have not seen in person or whose claims they cannot verify. “The Republic, in whose name you will be working, requires accurate and reliable information and your task is to make sure that this exercise provides that” she stated.
