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Be upright, if you are called of God - Archbishop to men of God

Icc Pastors The men of God were advised to live a godly life

Wed, 2 Sep 2020 Source:

The Archbishop General of the International Council of Clergy (ICC) Most Right Rev. Dr George Slezer Ofori-Attah has admonished men of God to live by the mandate of their calling, and not be swayed by the demands of the society.

He said, every man of God shall be judged based on their mandate of calling, and not the amount of wealth and names they have made, neither would it be based on the multitude of their membership and branches, but how many people they led to Christ and abided in the vine.

He gave the advice at the 53rd International Ministerial Public Ordination and Apostolic Ceremony at the Royalty Church in Accra, organized by the International Council for Clergy (ICC) / Council of World Bishops (CWB).

In all, five (5) people were ordained whiles two (2) others were elevated to the higher calling of God after vigorous assessment.

Most Right Rev. Dr George Slezer Ofori-Attah noted the importance and the timeliness of the ICC adding that, the philosophy of the Council is decency and orderliness in the operations of the Church.

According to him, the relevance and its cutting edge has become paramount in these times where there is so much adulteration in the church.

‘The Council being an agent of the Lord and as long as Ministers and churches are concerned.’

‘We need to remind them that it is not a celebration but a remembrance to the fact that, it’s a duty –bound ceremony’, he added.

He said, the celebration reminds the ordinands that, ‘a higher mandate has been placed on them and that God and humanity, and for that matter, society is relying on them to bring decency and orderliness into the society’.

He regrettably noted that, even though some churches are not living to the decency expected of them, but the majority of the doers of wrong, does not make their actions biblical. So irrespective of the deviations of some churches, ‘it is the counsel of the Lord that shall stand’

He posted that the actions of some people have become so pathetic that, man in his fallen mind has created covid-19 with the aim of depopulating the world to contain the increasing world population, and also shut all economies down for everybody to start afresh.

The Archbishop General, opined shepherding of the children of God as expected of God by the leadership of the Church over the flock of God is prominent.

‘There is nothing like freelance Minister of God. There is nothing like, this is how I want to do it. Every person employed is given job description and every Man of God’s job description is the bible, so God has not called any Man of God to do circular work to the detriment of shepherding.’ He declared.

Explaining that, lots of people who think God cannot take care of them have changed their primary duty to devote their time to circular and private duties, but their call mandate is the calling of God.

He stressed it is God who blesses the work of every human and ‘a laborer’s wage is on the performance of his duty’.

On the upcoming of the December Presidential and Parliamentary elections, he called for calmness thoughout the electoral process and demanded of on all contestants to be mindful of their utterances adding that, Ghana will not come to an end or burn because of their interests.

“Ghana was there before everybody was born. No body with their parochial evil mentality, stealing the nation’s wealth and making those who voted for them to be so poor.”
