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Benefits of reading the Bible

Fri, 15 Apr 2011 Source: Clement Boakye

*1. 1.. **It tells the greatest Love Story of all times:*

God creates man (*you*), gives him everything he needs and yet man hurts God

by disobeying Him. God tries again and again and again to restore man back

to Him; First God gives man so many chances, finally God decides to just

forgive man for all that he has ever done by dying for man( the highest

expression of true love); Book of Genesis to Book of Revelation

1. It strengthens the love between you and God, just like talking

everyday to a friend strengthens your friendship; 1 Sam 13:14

2. Simplest way of hearing God speak to you; 1 Samuel 1:1,4

3. Helps you know and understand who God is; Numbers 14:18

4. Serves as a guide in our daily lives so we can see clearly in

everything we do; Psalm 119:105

5. Helps you know and understand God’s plan for your life; Jeremiah 29:11

6. You are able to decipher who God will bless and which people He will

Not; Psalm 1:1-4

7. It makes you understand what is possible with God and under what

conditions; Matt 19:26-29

8. Helps you discover “hidden” treasure that is more precious than gold

and cannot be found on earth; Job 28:23

9. Helps you understand the true meaning of love and teaches you how to

win people; 1 Corin 14:4-7

10. Gives you the formula to succeed in life; Joshua 1:7

11. Teaches you how to receive spiritual power that will make you do

spiritual exploits; Acts 1:8

12. Transforms you into a better version of yourself; Romans 12:2

13. Helps you discover joy that does not depend on life’s circumstances;

Neh 8:10

14. Provides and confirms all the assurances you need in your life; Psalm


15. Helps you discover spiritual truths and understand the mysteries of

life; John 8:32

16. Teaches you how to live life, stress free knowing that you’ll always

be victorious; Proverbs 24:16

Source: Clement Boakye