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Betty Mould-Iddrisu's accusations were horrifying - Agyemang Manu

Fri, 13 Jul 2012 Source: radioxyzonline

The leadership of the Public Accounts Committee has described as horrific, claims by former Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Betty Mould-Iddrissu, that some members of the committee have been partisan in their work.

Mrs. Betty Mould-Iddrissu directly accused some members of the committee when she appeared before them on Thursday. She accused the chairman Kan Dapaa and member Isaac Asiamah of making unfair statements about her.

“Honorable chair, I put it to you that you have sat by and indeed at times participated and allowed my right to be trampled upon in this manner”.

According to her, Hon. Isaac Asiamah stated on live television that “she had conspired with CP to fraudulently pay to defraud the good people of Ghana. I heard this. With the greatest of respect these are criminal insinuations on the character of a former A-G.”

But the deputy chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Kweku Agyemang Manu told XYZ News, the former Attorney General’s description of the committee’s work is uncalled for.

“The committee has worked so objectively up till now without any bias. It is quite unfortunate that Mrs. Betty Mould-Iddrisu will come and make such horrifying comments against the committee.”

Mr Agyemang Manu said even though the former A-G has the right to express her opinion, her comments cannot be taken as sacrosanct as other people who have faced the committee have found their conduct to be very professional.

“So if we invite 100 people and two come and make these allegations against the committee, [is it fair?]. We have worked so assiduously to the point that we haven’t seen any partisan considerations coming up,” he stressed. Read More Here

Source: radioxyzonline