
Blair's Visit: BBC on Ghana

Thu, 7 Feb 2002 Source: BBC Online

UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's West African tour takes in the best and the worst of Africa.

The precise itinerary has not been made public, apparently for security reasons. But it is expected that Mr Blair will visit four countries - Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

In Ghana, the prime minister will see a thoroughly democratic country with a modern outlook and prospects for sustained economic growth. Ghana has become a serious member of the international community and not just another of the basket cases so often portrayed on the continent.

Ghana's presidential elections in December 2000 were a model of democracy

The political debate was well informed. It is certain, for example, that the average Ghanaian is better informed politically than the average Briton, and the contest was conducted with good humour all round.

Some of the credit for this must go to former coup leader Jerry Rawlings, who more or less gracefully bowed out of office.

Source: BBC Online