
Blame USA for Kenya/Al-Shabab Westgate Attack - Pratt

Kwesi Pratt

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 Source: peacefmonline

Managing Editor of the Insight newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jr has blamed the United States of America for the increase in acts of terrorism globally.

“This is a product of the cold war…when Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan; the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in America decided to organize Muslims to fight a jihad against the Russians. They recruited Osama Bin Laden and others, trained and equipped them and turned them into Islamic monsters and unleashed them unto the Soviet Union and the same forces came back to attack them…Taliban and Al-Shabab are branches of Al-Qaeda. The United States of America cannot escape blame for the spread of terrorism in the world. They cannot,” Kwesi Pratt stated.

The “Insight” newspaper Managing Editor was speaking in relation to the recent massacre that occurred at the Westgate Mall in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, on Saturday, which saw about 70 deaths and hundreds injured.

The dead include renowned Ghanaian poet and novelist, Prof Kofi Awoonor, who was shot several times. His son, Afedzi Awoonor, who was with him, however, survived gunshot wounds.

The former member of the Council of State was in Kenya to attend a literary festival in Nairobi, but decided to pass by the mall with his son.

Somalia's Al Qaeda-linked Al-Shabaab group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Kenyan officials say some 10 to 15 militants were involved.

In his condemnation of the attack, the Senior Journalist said it was wrong for the attackers to align with or attach themselves to a form of religion; Islamic Religion. According to him, nowhere in the Quran, the holy book of Muslims, is it written that Muslims should engage in acts of terrorism and violence.

“The most annoying aspect is the religious pretense; because nowhere in the Quran is it written that innocent defenseless people should be killed. What it rather says is that they should always protect the vulnerable and avoid discrimination against non-Muslims…They should feel ashamed about this action,” he said curtly.

Contributing to a panel discussion on Peace FM’s ‘Kokrokoo’, Kwesi Pratt stressed that if one claims to be resilient, the natural thing to do is to look for a co-equal to fight with “but to attack innocent, defenseless people is the greatest mark of cowardice.”

“There is nothing courageous or heroic about what they did. Innocent children, innocent woman, old men who can’t even hit you back?” he rhetorically asked in an angry tone.

Source: peacefmonline