
Book Review: Fear – the Silent Killer of Destinies

Thu, 5 May 2011 Source: Attah, Maximus

Title: Fear – the Silent Killer of Destinies

Number of Pages: 136

Author: Dr. Adom Adu-Amoah

Publisher: Pillars of Destiny Publication

Reviewer: Maximus Attah

Published in glossy paperback style, the book reveals the key killers of potentials and destinies. It unearths a number of human frailties which are nursed by fear to take action as a result of fear of the unknown. In a Continent where many things are shrouded in the mystic and given only transcendental connotations, Dr. Adom Adu-Amoah seeks, through this book, to bring out very critical directions we need to take that bold step.

The book is organized into twelve chapters. The first chapter explains why despite the rich potentials we have been endowed with as individuals our potentials have been stymied by failure to take action in the nick of time, just because of fear. It explores the fact that everyone is bound to encounter one form of fear or another at one stage of life or another, but stresses the poignant point that as individuals, we have a major say in our destiny. This chapter also explores the spiritual dimension of fear and makes the interesting point that although there is a supernatural aspect to life, you are accountable for your life’s choices. Your destiny is in your hands – shaped by your thoughts, decisions, actions, and values.

The second chapter of the books draws a direct dichotomy between our belief system and fear. This chapter dovetails into the third chapter which gives a very revealing aspect of fear injected into our lives by churches. An eye opener here is the fact that many of our contemporary churches glorify the devil more than they do God. Testimonies in churches are enough proof that many of us are giving ammunition to the devil to win many more souls for hell because of the way we glorify the activities of the devil. It discusses eight different types of fear injection – and here, readers are taken into a different world where they can read about all the bizarre things, though man-made, but are given spiritual connotations. It advices the vulnerable are advised against churches and organizations that ascribe omnipotence to the devil.

The next chapter moves readers into fear created during middle age – a phenomenon that brings a whole new change into out physique. The thought that I am ageing, that I am going to go on pension some day, and that I am also going to die someday is a very complex experience that all of us have to grapple with. How prepared are we for this stage? The book takes a peek into that unsure world and prescribes various ways of dealing with this midlife challenges.

The interesting book reveals that there are both positive and negative aspects to the concept of fear. Fear can have positive effects on our lives by causing us to detect, fight or avoid danger. It helps us to prepare and cope with danger. On the flipside, fear can have devastating consequences on our lives and destinies if not handled with care. It cripples initiatives, creates indecisiveness, steals our peace, miracles, and above all, fear has negatives affects our body chemistry. This is the gravamen of the fifth chapter.

The author proffers fifteen ways of overcoming fear in the next chapter. If you have ever thought that playing it safe or avoidance is a good way of handling fear, in chapter six, readers are taken though fifteen effective ways of handling fear. Chapter seven expands on midlife challenges and provides very interesting antidotes to this rather very interesting myth. It gives very practical examples and real life cases of people who went through and actually overcame their midlife’s challenges.

The concluding chapters seek to equip readers with very vital the ingredients for conquering fear. Everyone’s time on this earth is limited. Are you going to look back one day and wonder what your life would have been if you had taken a little bit of risk or put your dreams to the test by pursuing it with vigour? Some 70-year-olds were asked what they had regretted most in their lives and if they had the chance they would have done differently. The majority said they wish they had taken more risks than they did.

What decision are you afraid of taking today? Are your fears weighing you down? No matter what stage of life you are in at this crucial moment, no matter what major plans you are about to take, you need direction. This book authored by Dr. Adom Adu-Amoah, a Banker and Financial Consultant with two decades experience under his belt provides that vital link you need. It caters to the needs of all members of the society, and is a must read for every strategy in life. The book is available at all major shops throughout the country at a reasonable GH¢10.00. The author can be reached at

Source: Maximus Attah


Source: Attah, Maximus