
Book Review: Spiritual Leadership for the Unique Leader (second edition)

69448999 Dr. Jane R. Mensah

Tue, 14 Nov 2023 Source:

Title: Spiritual Leadership for the Unique Leader (2nd edition)

Author: Dr. Jane R. Mensah

Reviewer: Ebenezer K. Amponsah

Dr. Jane R. Mensah’s book ”Spiritual Leadership for the Unique Leader” gives a vivid account of what God expects of spiritual leaders and how to equip themselves to win souls for the kingdom of God, especially at a time when most of them continue to face diverse challenges in winning souls for the Kingdom of God.

Using simple language but well-researched information, the author who doubles as the Director and founder of Eternal Word Evangelistic Ministries Int. (ETWORD), since August 1991, through experiences, also captures several biblical examples of individuals like David whose passion and intimacy with God made him a unique leader in spite of his weaknesses.

The book has 184 chapters and is further divided into various lessons to make it easier to read describing various facets and principles that undergird spiritual leaders who are referred to as ‘unique’.

The first four parts of the book focuses on God’s plan for humanity, and the types of leadership while the next four lessons in the book illustrates faithfulness in leadership as well as some essential qualities spiritual leaders should hold.

The next 5 lessons also provide a vivid account of some of the challenges facing spiritual leaders as well as the leadership secret of Apostle Paul who distinguished himself as an excellent leader.

Among some of the lessons spiritual leaders could learn from the book include leadership adversaries, knowing Satan’s agenda, how to handle relationships and getting committed to achieving their dreams.

The author whose leadership acumen could be traced as far back in 1970's as a young minister of the gospel to date also gives ample reasons why spiritual leaders should be preoccupied in giving glory to God at all times rather than the quest to fulfill selfish ambitions.

The author also recounts the unique power of the Holy Spirit that empowers leaders with spiritual virtues such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self


The author again gives a graphic illustration of how Christians, especially leaders should behave given the example of Jesus Christ who exhibited modesty and gentleness in spite of his supremacy even on earth.

The author further advises spiritual leaders to seek God’s guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit to enable them function effectively with endowed gift from God.

The author further entreats leaders who desire to be unique not to run ahead of God but to follow his plan and sincerely seek forgiveness from God whenever they sin.

DR. Jane additionally mentioned the example of David who in spite of his unique qualities such as love, courage, faith, humility including being described by God as a man after his heart, sought forgiveness from God whenever he sinned.

She further provides an understanding of what natural and spiritual leadership are, explaining why the Holy Spirit is crucial in the development of a spiritual leader.

What distinguish this leadership book from others is how the author meticulously compares the two leadership qualities.

She mentioned for instance, that while natural leaders boast of knowing men, are self-confident and take decisions by themselves without guidance from the Holy spirit among others, spiritual leaders on the other hand, seek the guidance of the Holy spirit, are confident in God, humble and always depend on God.

One other compelling reason why ‘it is a must read book’ for spiritual leaders is how the author chronicles the concept of leadership and mentorship in a very fascinating manner citing the example of Jesus Christ who mentored James, John, Peter and other desciples

The author almost end by admonishing spiritual leaders not to give up as they work to accomplish their goals but evaluate themselves, remain discipline and stay focus.

Dr. Jane conclude by stressing the need for spiritual leaders to improve themselves by acquiring other skills apart from preaching the gospel in order to help them to convey the gospel message to diverse group of people across the world in a crisp concise form.

The book “Spiritual leadership for the unique leader” can be obtained on Amazon book store, EPP bookshops, Legon book shop and all leading bookshops in Ghana.
