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Brand new cars not meant for Assembly members - KMA

Kma Cars Ttth Reports were rife that some new cars were being purchased for KMA members

Sun, 28 May 2017 Source:

The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) has rejected claims it is procuring Hyndai Gran i10 salon vehicles for elected assembly members.

In a response to a media publication on the matter, the KMA said the automobile company, visited the Assembly, to showcase its products to the management of the Assembly and also informed management that the company sells its cars to credible institutions and individual on high purchase basis.

It therefore stated that there was no agreement that the KMA was buying the cars from Hyundai Motors and Investment Ghana on hire purchase for its members as contained in the report.

Read full details of their reaction below;

The KMA would like to emphasize that the information is not only misinforming, misleading and fabricated, but also a well-planned attempt to throw dust into the eyes of the public and dent the positive image of the KMA and its Chief Executive in the process.

The Assembly will however like to put on record that the automobile company, which was said to have visited the Assembly, only came to showcase its products to the management of the Assembly and also informed management that the company sells its cars to credible institutions and individual on high purchase basis.

We wish also to state that Hyundai Motors and Investment Ghana is not the only company that has visited the Assembly to showcase it products in recent times. It will be recalled that Katanka Automobile Company Ltd also visited to showcase its products to the assembly some few days ago.

It is important to note that the Metro chief Executive cannot unilaterally take a decision to purchase vehicles for the Assembly members without recourse to the General Assembly for approval.

The public must therefore take note that the Assembly has not entered into any agreement with any company to purchase cars for the elected Assembly members of the Assembly as it is being purported in the media.

To avoid any further future distortion of information from the Assembly we wish to appeal passionately to the various media outlets to always cross check their information from the Assembly before publication so as to avoid unnecessary tension.
