
Bunkpuru-Yunyoo DCE to face Vote of No Confidence today

Vote Of No Confidence   Bunkpuru-Yunyoo DCE is been accused of his inefficiency in managing the affairs of the assembly

Mon, 28 May 2018 Source:

Members of the Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo district Assembly in the Northern region,will later today pass a Vote of No Confidence in their District Chief Executive Oscar Liwaal.

A statement sighted by and signed by 22 Assembly members, said that Liwaal has been inefficient in managing the affairs of the assembly.

Besides they accused the DCE of failing to provide information on the disbursement of the Common Fund.

“From November last year up till now, even the PM himself doesn’t know the amount of Common Fund that comes to the Assembly, and the DCE doesn’t monitor the staffs of the district Assembly effectively, because it is only when Common Fund comes that you see workers of the assembly, one of the Assembly members for the area, Mohammed Yaro told Accra-based Citi FM.
