

Mon, 9 Apr 2007 Source: GBEWAAA PALACE


I have noted with deep concern attempts by officialdom to give official sanction to the celebration of the 2007 Damba Festival by certain persons who have no authority under Dagbon custom to do so.

I have received communication from sources indicating that the Regsec will sanction and provide security to the Abudu House. To perform the Damba Festival along side the customary authorized performance by me as the Regent of Dagbon.

I find these developments as deeply troubling for several reasons. First of all, the parallel performance of the festival as alleged to have been sanctioned by the Regsec represents an aberration to Dagbon custom. This is because the only customary authority permitted by custom to perform the Damba Festival in Yendi is the Ya Na or in his absence his Regent at the palace. It is therefore not acceptable under Dagbon custom for any other person to pretend to celebrate the festival in Yendi. Such an attempt is an abomination in Dagbon custom and does not auger well for the peace and tranquility of Dagbon.

It is for this reason , that, I find it strange, bizarre and beyond all understanding that officialdom would give its blessing to such an aberration as it represent an affront to Dagbon custom and culture. I find this state of affairs to be an attempt to sow discord, foster disunity and encourage lawlessness and disorder when indeed the duty of the Council is to ensure peace and order. This is irony

I also find it deeply worrying that the Regsec would give recognition to such a celebration and as such extend recognition to a parallel traditional authority. It would be recalled that it was similar circumstances in respect of the Bugum Festival which resulted in the tragic events which culminated in the demise of the overlord of Dagbon in March 2002. History ought to have served as a guide in this matter. There is therefore ample reason to be disturbed by the stance taken by officialdom in the matter.

Please, note that as the Regent of Dagbon , I am the father of all Dagbon and not just Andanis . Accordingly all persons wishing to celebrate the festival, be they Andanis or Abudus , are welcome to do so with me as sons and daughters of Dagbon. For this reason I have no objection to any chief or person joining me to celebrate the festival.

In the circumstances it had been my anticipation , that other persons wishing to celebrate would have been admonished by Regsec to join me to do so in the interest of unity and reconciliation in Dagbon rather than to be encouraged to embark on such a divisive course of action.

There is no doubt the proposed celebration would further entrench the divisions in Dagbon, deepen the mistrust, and suspicion and push the prospects of reconciliation further into the distance. It is bound to encourage extremists in the two royal houses and create entrenched positions which would be difficult to bridge. I am therefore at a loss as to what wisdom informed the decision by the Regsec . Indeed no person with the well being of Dagbon at heart will take such a decision so clearly inimical to peace, law and order in Dagbon.

It would be recalled that recently during the celebration of Ghana’s Golden Jubilee ceremony, the CJA who were restrained from undertaking which affected the national ceremony. This is conventional wisdom. It is wisdom grounded in the time tested principles of ensuring cohesion, unity, law, order, stability and respect for established authority. What would be the fate of this nation if any one can at any time arrogate power to himself and act in any official capacity he wishes without the authority to do so. Certainly there would be anarchy and break down of law and order. But is this not what the Regsec is encouraging or is the Regsec oblivious of the implications of its actions.

I must admonish the Regsec to beware, lest you create a moinster which will turn round to haunt you. I also admonish the Regsec not to create a situation where its decisions and those of officialdom will be treated with mistrust This situation will surely undermine any future attempts at a settlement.

As the Regent of Dagbon , I have a vested interest in the peace and stability of Dagbon as a state and it is for this reason that I implore you to avoid any actions which would deepen the crisis in Dagbon and derail the peace process.

Accordingly, I implore you to admonish all persons who wish to celebrate the Damba Festival to join me in doing so to ensure reconciliation and peaceful coexistence. Such a joint performance of the age old festival will show good will on all sides and avid the creation of parallel authorities. It is time for both houses to show sincerity in the quest for reconciliation and officialdom should help in the process rather than undermine it.

Please note however that should you fail to stop the performance of the festival by other persons not authorized under custom to do so . I have decided in consultation with the Kuga Na and my elders not to proceed with the celebration of the festival in order to avoid any tensions or any untoward incidents by lawless elements I hope you fully appreciate the implications of this decision This decision has been taken by me and my elders in good faith, trusting that the truth would ultimately prevail over falsehood and good will over mischief.

Thank you.


CC: 1. His Excellency The President, Castle,Accra. 2. The Minister for Interior 3. The National Security Advisor 4. The Inspector General of Police 5. The Regional Police Commander 6. The District Police Commander,Yendi. 7. The Member of Parliament. 8. The National Director, BNI 9. The Regional Director BNI, Tamale. 10. The Commander Military Attachment, Yendi. 11. The Press.