
CJD: Rev. Asante –Antwi Must Apologise And Resign

Tue, 17 Aug 2010 Source: Citizens for Justice and Democracy

The Citizens for Justice and Democracy (CJD) wishes to decry and further express its regret at the pronouncement of the Rev Samuel Asante-Antwi over the performance of government. His comments to say the least , are a disgrace and desecration of the alter of God .It is our view that crusaders of peace must not allow themselves to be compromised, converted into political pundits and be churning out irresponsible rhetoric. Men of God have specified duties accordingto ourknowledge on theology andbeing a propaganda mouth piece of a political party is certainly not one of them.

CJD is of the firm belief that the actions of Rev. Samuel Asante Antwi have the propensity of aggravating the already heavy polarized atmosphere that we are witnessing. Persons of his social stature and position are expected to foster national unity and not breed chaos through misguided statements bereft of any fact and figures.This unpatriotic conduct by the Rev. Of the Methodist church only goes to confirm the subtle held perception of his political bias and lack of recognition to the teachings and practices of the Holy Scriptures.

As a nation we must always strive to entrench our confidence in peace and live not only by the dictates of the Holy Books but also the provisions of our national constitution. To this extent the much touted free democratic society based on equity and social justice that Ghanaians are enjoying must not be exchanged with any body’s jaundiced interest.

CJD is also aware that the church is an apolitical organization as such politically infected utterances from such ‘’ Men of God’’ risk tainting the hard won image of neutrality of such entities.In this regard we believe that the continuous stay of Rev. Samuel Asante –Antwi and his supervisory role in the church will further perpetuate such irresponsible act and we are afraid that in no time the church will lose its value and purpose.

The Citizens for Justice and Democracy (CJD) wishes to state unreservedly that there is a clear distinction between the pulpit and politics, and Rev.Samuel Asante-Antwi cannot pretend to be oblivious to that fundamental fact. It is for this reason that CJD belives the actions of the pastor are deliberate ,driven by selfish desire and intended to muddy our political waters.

We are by this statement calling upon Rev.Samuel Asanti-Antwi to apologise to the Methodist Church and by extension the nation for his unbridiled and irresponsible rehtoric,and to tender in his resignation immediately in order to protect the sanctity of the church.

Long Live Ghana!!

Long Live CJD!!

Ali Dawud



Source: Citizens for Justice and Democracy