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CPA lauds Supreme Court for affirming FDA's ban on celebrities endorsement of alcoholic drinks

Kofi Kapito Of CPA CEO of the Cosumer Protection Agency, Kofi Kapito

Thu, 27 Jun 2024 Source:

The Consumer Protection Agency (CPA) has lauded the Supreme Court for its recent ruling that reinforces the ban on celebrities endorsing alcoholic beverages.

This decision is in line with the Food and Drugs Authority's (FDA) previous prohibition and represents a triumph for the CPA, which has been advocating for this cause since 2007.

At a press conference in Accra, the CPA's CEO, Mr. Kofi Kapito, recounted the agency's historical stance against such advertising practices. He recalled a significant victory when the CPA compelled Guinness Ghana Limited to dismantle billboards that featured Black Star players promoting alcohol, an action that escalated to their parent company, Diageo, in the UK.

Mr. Kapito cited the Quebec Protocol, which Ghana adheres to, stating that alcohol packaging and communication should not include individuals who significantly influence the youth, such as athletes and media personalities.

Furthermore, the Ghana Advertisers Association's Code of Ethics prohibits alcoholic advertisements during children's programming and the use of children or professional athletes in such ads. Despite these regulations, violations have been rampant, according to Mr. Kapito.

The CPA is hopeful that the Supreme Court's endorsement will enable the FDA to enforce these rules more strictly and penalize offenders.

Mr. Kapito also pointed out the alarming trend of prime-time news featuring advertisements for hard liquor, potentially exposing children to alcohol. He noted that surveys show a high percentage of high school students have seen these ads, raising concerns among parents and guardians.

The CPA criticized celebrities who promote alcoholic products, questioning their impact on impressionable youth. The agency suspects that manufacturers exploit celebrity influence to increase sales, disregarding the welfare of young people.

Kofi Kapito has thus implored parents, especially mothers, to support the FDA and CPA in enforcing these advertising standards to protect the youth's well-being.

Read the full press statement below:


The CPA is over joyed on the Supreme Court ruling affirming the earlier prohibition by FDA for the use of Celebrities in Alcoholic beverage advertisements as the regulator.

The CPA has held this position since 2007 when it challenged Guinness Ghana limited to pull down bill boards using the black star players in alcohol beverage advertisements, a matter which went as far as to their mother company Diageo in the UK before the bill boards were pulled down.

The Quebec Protocol which Ghana is a signatory state in number 11, on the rules of ethics of alcoholic advertising beverages as saying,

11. Neither packaging nor communication of alcoholic beverages should have characters of who have influence on the youth such as footballers, radio and television talk show hosts, doctors, film and theater performers, politicians etc.

Also, in the code of ethics of the Ghana Advertisers Association (ADVERTISING PRACTICE PAGE 12, 4.3.2 it also states categorically that:

1. No advertisement for alcoholic beverages will be allowed in Children’s religious and sports programs.

2. Children, professional sports men and women or pregnant women (on television) must not be used as models.

In spite of these entire ethics, codes and guidelines many media houses and advertising agencies deliberately flaunt these for whatever reason best known to them.

Now that the Supreme Court has affirm a ruling on these codes, we sincerely pray that the FDA which has risen up to occasion in recent times to deal ruthlessly with any institution that flaunt these codes and guidelines.

It is so sad that it’s only in Ghana that one can witness a hard liquor advertisement on a prime time news bulletin. Many of our children before they exit senior high are exposed to alcoholic beverages with percentages that were as high as 67% in recent surveys and should be a concern to every parent citizen of this country.

The CPA is so much disappointed in the actions of the celebrities pushing this idea and wonder if they will not exist if they don’t advertise for alcoholic products.

We strongly believe that they are being supported by these Alcoholic beverage manufacturers since they know the influence of these celebrities on the youth and therefore using them to sell their products and making more profit at the expense of these vulnerable young once. Nobody has said the celebrities can’t advertise for beverages however it shouldn’t be alcohol as affirmed by the Supreme Court.

The CPA is therefore appealing to all parents especially mothers to rise and support the FDA the regulator and the CPA to ensure that the rules and guidelines are adhered to its maximum.

Thank you.

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