
CPP: Mahama’s Gov’t full of “looters”

Amissah Mahama Confer

Sat, 19 Oct 2013 Source: XYZ

The Communications Director of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), Nii Amah Akomfrah, has told Radio XYZ’s news analysis programme ‘The Analyst’, that the Mahama administration is replete with looters.

As far as he is concerned, the governing National Democratic Congress has effectively, replaced its social-democratic philosophy with a totally new one he calls ‘gyeeda-ism’ – a term he coined from the rot-riddled Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency (GYEEDA), through which millions of cedis were allegedly siphoned via what he described as “non-existent” conduits such as afforestation and guinea fowl projects.

He defines ‘gyeeda-ism’ to mean unbridled “looting” from the State kitty by unconscionable Government officials.

Akomfrah wondered why the government allowed certain “bigwigs” within the NDC to go for loans at GYEEDA when the programme’s mandate had nothing to do with disbursing loans.

“You set money aside for the youth of this nation and people go and siphon that money; some go and take loans. Is GYEEDA a bank?” he asked.

Tens of millions of Ghana cedis were allegedly siphoned into private pockets through the GYEEDA modules, necessitating a governmental probe.

According to Akomfrah, “there’s a looting brigade at the heart of government” and warned that the rot must be exorcised from the Mahama administration.

He says the delay by the president in dealing with the GYEEDA report paints a picture that he condones the GYEEDA-ism philosophy.

“I’m afraid when such charges are made and you have a situation like this at GYEEDA, when you take time before you resolve it, people begin to see that this is a philosophy that you believe in because you are not halting the looting”.

The Economic and Organised Crimes Office (EOCO) and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service are both investigating the scandal.

EOCO has so far arrested and questioned 12 of those indicted by an investigative ministerial report on the operations of GYEEDA. They have been granted bail while investigations continue.

The CID has also confirmed inviting some of the suspects for questioning.

President John Mahama has stated publicly that anyone found to have corruptly and fraudulently siphoned state funds through the GYEEDA programme will be handed over to the Attorney General for prosecution.

Source: XYZ