
CPP's Office "Sh*t Bombed"

Mon, 1 Dec 2008 Source: CPP


Our attention has been drawn to the news in the media and as reported in the Friday, November 28, 2008 issue of the CHRONICLE which read and I quote: “A NEWLY-furnished office, established at Bonyire in the Nzema areas of the Western Region, meant as another staging post for the Convention People’s Party (CPP) parliamentary candidate, Samia Nkrumah, was over the weekend shit-bombed by unknown ‘carpet bombers’”

The North American Branch of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP) explicitly condemns this person/s behaviour as uncivilised, inhumane and despicable. Fellow Ghanaians, such actions are shameful as they are barbaric and we should all condemn the perpetrator/s.

At this day and age when a house is being built over 300 miles in the sky above the earth; when robots are being sent to Mars to sample and test for water on the planets’ surface and send the results back to earth; when surgeries are being performed remotely; when one can now talk to another from the opposite sides of the globe and see his/her life picture; when body parts are being grown(stem cells) in laboratories to safe lives; when the most powerful economy in the world has defiled all odds and for the first time in their history elected an African American as their 44th president, some few uncivilised elements in our society would be indulging themselves in these vile acts.

If these dirty minded person/s are not aware, let it be told to them that Ghana is a civilised society and plays a leading role in democratic process in Africa. Africans and the rest of the world are watching us as we go to the polls to elect a new legislature and a President. Politics do not only reveal to us the different ways of solving a country’s socio-economic problems but also brings us together as a people with a common destiny in nation building, living in peace, tranquility, justice, good health, prosperity and not the least healthy spiritual living.

We call on the local authorities to investigate this callous act and bring the perpetrator/s to face the full weight of the law. We again call on all political parties to condemn this behaviour and request that all Political Parties tone down obstructive rhetoric that only inflame these barbaric and wicked acts. All societies in the world are advancing and it’s about time we moved passed these 14th century inhuman acts.

May the Good Lord protect our dear nation and bring peace, love, honesty and serenity to bear on the hearts of all Ghanaians during these transitional weeks.

Kweku Manful For the office of CPP North America

Source: CPP